CLIMAX-Chapter 5

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"I'm surprised you made it here, I thought you forgot about us. You've been m.i.a for a minute", Patrick said after sitting back down.

We were in the backyard chilling. Patrick and his girl Tamia were having a barbeque. The yard was packed with a few of our friends and some of their family members.

"Come on man you guys have been having this barbeque for a few years now, how can I just forget", I replied taking a sip of Ciroc and Sprite. "You act like I don't see you guys at work."

"I was starting to think our relationship was strictly business", Raheem said as we all laughed.

"We thought you offed yourself cuz you were gonna' be a daddy", Kelly said.

"The sad thing is that thought did pop into my head", I replied. "But then the thought of Tyeisha raising my child alone scared me even more".

We all laughed.

"I still can't get over the fact that she's really pregnant", Tamia said. "I mean I'm happy you stopped hoeing around but damn two hoes aint a good combination."

We all laughed again.

"So where you been lately", Tamia asked me sitting down on Patrick's lap.

"I've been hanging out with Ariel."

"Who", she asked.

"The girl I was telling you about babe", Patrick said placing his arms around her.

"Even though I can't stand Tyeisha, I still don't condone cheating", Tamia said. "You still got a girl and that's fucked up."

"Technically I'm not cheating, we're not fucking", I said.

"Hold up you spent 10 stacks on this chic and you aint hitting", Raheem said.

"You're tricking off this girl", Tamia asked.

"No, it was for her brother's hospital bills. He's dying from cancer, that's why she was stripping."

"Aww Dustin that's sweet", Tamia said grabbing my shoulder.

"If that's what you wanna call it", Kelly said. "That girl got your nose wide open and you didn't even smell the pussy yet."

"So when do we get to meet this chic", Patrick asked.

Just then my phone beeped.

"That's her right now. She's right outside, I invited her."

"So you're gonna' be caked up too huh", Raheem said.

"Quit whining I didn't forget about my boys", I said standing up. "She brought two friends with her and they nice."

I walk out to the front just as Ariel was getting out of the car. My heart smiled as I saw her. The way the sun shined on her, she was gorgeous. At that moment I thought about how I could spend the rest of my life with her.

I walk up to her and hug her. I wanted to kiss her so bad, but I didn't want to cross that line again. I said my hellos to the girls and grabbed her hand. They followed behind as Ariel and I walked into the backyard and up to the group.

"Everyone this is Ariel and her friends Kiki and Stacy. Girls this is my boy Patrick, his girl Tamia, Kelly and Raheem."

"Damn I would trick too", Raheem said practically drooling.

"What he meant to say is its nice meeting you all", Tamia said shaking their hands. "Are you guys hungry or thirsty?"

"I could use a drink", Kiki said.

"Here let me show you where everything is", Tamia said before they walked off.

"You and your girls are fine as fuck", Raheem said.

"Do you always say the first thing that comes to mind", Ariel asked.

"I apologize on his behalf. He was born without a filter", Patrick said. "Nice to finally meet the woman that has been occupying all my boy's time."

"Sorry about that", Ariel said laughing nervously.

"Are you hungry, you want me to make you a plate", I asked her.

"Um yes thanks."

I get up to walk inside and Kelly followed me.

"Yo I seen her before", he said to me.

"She teaches a hip hop class at the gym, you probably saw her there."

"Nah I seen her around my way. Her dude is Carnell right", he asked.


"She's bad and all, but I don't think you should be fucking with her."

"Why is that", I asked as I completely stopped doing what I was doing.

"He's known in the streets. He's not the type of nigga you want to cross, real talk."


I walk into the house to find Tyeisha, her cousin Liz along with some other chics, in the living room smoking weed and drinking.

"Hey babe", Tyeisha said as she walked up to me placing her arms around my neck.

"Are you out your fucking mind right now", I asked her as I grabbed her off of me.

"Why you mad it's almost gone, we about to roll up again", she said.

I don't think I ever wanted to hit her more than I did at this very moment. The very reason why I wanted to beat her is the same reason how I caught myself and stopped.

"You really think you should be doing this? It's not just about you anymore Ty."

"Why you tripping Dustin she grown", Liz said blowing out smoke.

"I'm not about to have my baby fucked up because she think she's grown."

"What baby", one of the girls asked.

I see them all exchange looks.

"What's up", I asked.

"That bitch aint pregnant", another girl said and they all laughed.

I don't know if they were high as hell, drunk, or both. They all continued to laugh. I just wanted to know what the fuck was going on.

"What is she talking about Ty?"

"There's no baby Dustin."

"What the fuck you mean there is no baby? You showed me the fucking stick. Are you just fucked up right now or what?"

"That was from Keisha she's pregnant. It was a joke babe. I didn't think you would seriously believe me."

I couldn't believe this bitch had the audacity to stand and laugh in my face.

"It's all good", I started. "Why don't you get all your shit and get the fuck out. How's that for jokes?"

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