Dwalin x reader -Cookie Jar

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Your Pov: once again in first person.

I am the younger sister of Bilbo Baggins , I am (y/n) Petunia Baggins. I was walking up the path to my brothers house when I noticed 16 ponies outside. I immediately rushed up to the green door. I knock "No!! No more - oh (y/n)" my brother said, in surprise. I barge in sure and see 13 dwarves and Gandalf. A big brute of a dwarf sat scowling in the corner. Large axes lash across his back, almost becoming an arrow towards his many scars and tattoos drawn across his body. His eyes lock onto me "Bilbo. Why are there dwarves in your dinning room?" I asked. He glared at Gandalf. "Ask him" he growled out.


I had just stepped out of the bathroom, it was late and I always made myself a warm glass of milk before bed. Gandalf had invited 13 dwarves into Bilbo's  home to reclaim a homeland and to slay a dragon ... as you probably guessed poor Bilbo did not take the invitation with open arms.

Anyway, onto my nightly treat! As I neared the kitchen I saw the dwarves asleep  tucked up around the living room like discarded toys smiling I stop until I heard a rattling. I creased my eyebrows and as I stepped throught the threshold of the kitchen I saw something that surprised me greatly.

Dwalin , I believe, had his giant  tattooed hand in the small square cookie jar we kept on the mantle peice for our nephew ,Frodo ,  to have when we babysit him. As he shook the small jar he glanced up. His big aqua eyes gaze at me with a hint of  child like guilt of being caught red handed stealing from  the cookie  jar - quiet litterally too!

With a chuckle I walk in, "Would you like a glass of Milk with those cookies , Master Dwarf?'' I ask. He set his arm down, the jar still attached comically to his large tanned forearm. He just inclined his head yes, before lumbering his built form into our kitchen chair, before retrieving a cookie.

What a peculiar man indeed!


I am so sorry this took so long to update! More will be up soon! :)

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