people with powers

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as the title states, this is a people with powers rp. meaning, people that have powers such as flying, the ability to teleport, wind/water/ice/fire/nature powers, etc.


type of power(s):
any other information:


name: kevin walker
age: 17
sexuality: gay
looks: kevin is tall, pale, and skinny. his is found mostly wearing all black, the only color being in his blue eyes. he has black hair and small freckles litter his face and body. he always has on an assortment of bracelets to cover up scars, and his cell phone and headphones are never far from his grasp.
type of power(s): kevin has the power to move things with *dramatic and unnecessary drumroll* his mind! this power allows him to fly/teleport.
personality: kevin has two personalities. depending on what moment you catch him at, he is either really hyper and happy, or spiralling into depression. for some unknown reason, he likes to giggle a lot. along with his awkward stuttering, good luck trying to understand him.
backstory: both his parents are wonderful people and they are loved by many. the idea of perfect parents with a son like him made him insane. because he felt he couldn't live up to their perfection, he tried killing himself a year ago. he wears the bracelets to cover the scars. when he awoke in the hospital, he discovered that his near death experience gave him unusual powers.
relationship: none at the moment
any other information: he loves cats, and will most likely be seen with one named muke quite often.

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