harry potter

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i'm huge harry potter tRASH. so hopefully people join this, because it should be a lot of fun!!!


blood status:
any other information:


name: kevin walker
age: 17
year: 5
sexuality: pansexual
house: slytherin
looks: kevin is tall, pale, and skinny. when not in his slytherin robes, he is found mostly wearing all black, the only color being in his blue eyes. he has black hair and small freckles litter his face and body. even on the hottest days, he is forced to wear long sleeves to cover up scars.
blood status: half-blood
mother(optional): michelle walker; witch
father(optional): neil walker; muggle
pet(optional): a black kitten with green eyes, known as muke.
personality: kevin suffers with bipolar depression. depending on what moment you catch him at, he is either really hyper and happy, or spiralling into depression. for some unknown reason, he likes to giggle a lot. along with his awkward stuttering, good luck trying to understand him.
backstory: both his parents are wonderful people and they are loved by many. the idea of perfect parents with a son like him made him insane. because he felt he couldn't live up to their perfection, he tried killing himself a year ago. he wears long sleeves to cover his scars. when he awoke in the hospital, he was forced to remain there for the rest of the summer and into the following school year. since he missed so much, he was forced to stay back.
relationship: n/a
any other information: n/a

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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