Same day Saturday.


Mom. Is she up?

Me. Yeah mom.

Mom. Okay she better be up.

Me. I told her if doesn't get up then there be no presents and cake for her.

Mom. So mean.

Me. She know i wasn't for real mom.

Mom. I know but go in the frontroom while we cook so y'all can eat.

Me. Okay ma.


I miss him saying ma he sounds to sexy.

Mj(mamma J). Jules baby? You hear me.

Me. Huh what you say?

Mj. I said is you ready to cook with me?

Me. Oh yeah I'm ready.

Mj. So I heard you have two kids by Michael and he cheated on you.

Me. Yeah i have twins boy and girl they be 10 on Friday. Yes he did cheat on me he have a son that is 11.

Mj. Oh by who?

Me. Chyna this girl i used to go to school with. Mamma J how you know about that?

Just then Chris camed in. I knew it.

Chris. What?

Mj. Didnt i tell you to go in the frontroom?

Chris. Royalty wanted something to drink I'm just givi g her some juice.

Mj. She old enough to get it her self.

Chris. Yeah i know i just wanted to get it for her.

Mj. Okay hurry out. We are talking.

Chris. Sorry I'm about to get out.

Me. Go.

Chris. Okay.

He winked at me and blew me a kiss and left.

Mj. That boy what I'm a do with him.

Me. I have no idea. But mamma J can i ask you something?

Mj. Sure what is it sweetie?

Me. If you had this friend and she likes this other guy even though she is married. Do you think she should end the marriage?

Mj. Um well who is this friend sweetie?

Me. Rachel. Mario's wife.

Mj. Well i think yes she should because if she likes another guy then she should just be with the guy.

Me. But he don't feel the same he married.

Mj. Who?

Me. Keeis.

When i said keeis he walk in the kitchen.

Mj. Oh hey Marquess.

Marq. Hey Mamma J.

Mj. What's wrong?

Marq. Can i talk to you mamma Joyce?

Mj. Yeah.

Me. I'll go in the frontroom.

Mj. I just finish up with the food.

Me. Okay.

Then i left out the kitchen.

Me. What he doing here i thought he was in New York?

Chris. He was but he told them to turn the plane around and he came here to talk to my mom.

Me. Oh.

Chris. What's wrong?

Me. Nothing. Um can i ask you something?

Chris. Yeah what?

Me. Do you know that Rachel like Keeis?

Chris. How would i know that?

Before i could answer that my phone rung. It was Dymiond.

Me. Hello?

Dym. Hey girl you seen Marquess?

Me. Yeah he is here at Mamma J House.

Dym. Okay I'm glad he safe.

Me. Yeah you okay?

Dym. Yeah I'm fine I'll talk to you later.

Me. Um okay.

Different Life (Sequel To High School)Where stories live. Discover now