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A month later.


We in the hospital and it is 5 o'clock in the morning. Im so nervous and scared.

Ali. Baby it be fine i know it will be.

Me. Okay.

Then the doctor came in.

Doc. Okay she ready to push.

Me. Okay.

I was already in the scrubs so we got right to business. The kids is in the waiting room with my mom and family and with Alice family.

Doc. On the count of 3 you push okay?

Ali. OKAY.

Doc. 1 2 3 bush.

She push.

Skip the pushes.

Doc. A nice baby girl. Oh nurse nike take her we have another one.

Me. What?

Doc. We have another baby in her.

Me. Okay.

6 kids but i have lave 8 now.

She pushed and we got a boy.

Me. Can i hold my baby girl?

Doc. Here you go.

Me. Thanks.

Ali. I want to hold my son.

They gave him to her. And the peoples came in and hold them.

Doc. Their names?

Ali. Ausin Kaz Brown and Ally Washington Brown.

Me. I love those names.

Ali. I know you would.

Thank god she didnt die. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if she did.

Different Life (Sequel To High School)Where stories live. Discover now