Rey x Kylo Ren part 2

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you were in kylo's closet. cause if they saw you would die. then he came into the room. you waited in the closet hoping he would leave you alone. you waited it was just silent. outside you heard a rebel saying outside " Rey come on I'm gonna die! " you tried to go out the door but, then you heard him dieing.but you ran out the door and got one inch out the door but he grabbed you and said "your not going anywhere. " then you got Thrown onto the bed.  then Kylo walked in a shut the door. then he took off your clothes and his with the force and, you cover your body with a pillow " don't get embarrassed nobodys watching " he took the pillow and, then started putting his cock into you at a fast pace moaned very loud. then he  started to play with your boobs then he looked for your sweet spot on your neck then when he found it, you went wild. you started pushing him off you and punching him then he got up and punched you and, you kicked him in the balls  then he fell to the floor. you got your clothes on and put his on and knocked him out the you left a note then left running to the docks. the note says never do that again or you will die. 

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