Boba Fett x Reader

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It was night you were in your bedroom you peaked your head out the door and, said "good night".  the rebels said good night also. you went to bed and, turned out your light. you went to bed for an hour or so then you heard a noise you got up and, you peaked out the door. you then tried going back to bed but you got pushed onto the ground. you saw Boba Fett he said "I'm going to fuck you until you cant walk pet" WARNING PET PLAY. Then he put a collar around your neck and, a blindfold. he put you on the bed pulled his pants down and, yours you turned over not letting him fuck you. he turned you back over and, he rammed into you moaned in pain. he put a gag ball in you mouth and, covered your mouth with a rag also. started to ram into you again he didn't care if it hurt or not and, you wanted him to stop                                                                    (your POV) You wanted him to stop  so you tried punching him then he let you go. then BOOM the door got kicked in then you heard blasters but then Boba got off you and, you got shot but don't worry bacata bomb saved you. then BOOOOOOOOOM END OF LEMON PEOPLE DONT BE MAD AT ME I JUST DIDN'T WANNA FINISH IT.                                                                                                                   

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