When he looked at her!

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That was a Sunday morning no school no studies just play time what does a 5 year old needs more than an entire day to be free like a bird and to touch the sky with unhindered wings!
(metaphors are silly as they sound)
so this bright sunday morning, waking up to dads shouts from the garden trying to get a hold of what seems like some kind of giant scissors.
And mom's yummy delightful sunday breakfast.
(poha jalebiie -its an Indian cuisine!!)

then there comes the sound of loud music from the strange teenager room, living across the street. its not even an actual street its a few steps away from the little girls window!
That wasn't it with the sunday morning.
after the sound of loud music faded with some awful exchange of words which she didn't understand at that age!
There was a small sound of ringing bells and then came the boy riding a tricycle.
His black eyes beautiful , half curled hair falling on this forehead, a nose which looked stuffed in between his awfully chubby cheeks and due to the faint chill in the weather the red in his cheeks made him look like those women with rose in their cheeks from the TV series that mom would never let them watch.
He kept on peddling with his tiny legs and waving around with joy whenever someone called his name.
he was joy.
she saw him then.
From the little window of her room. he waved she returned the gesture with a never ending smile.
He was grinning at her and calling her out to play with him but her dad was a protective one would never leave his daughter to play with some boy who was new to the society.
So when he refused to let her go and asked her to go and play with her kitchen set!
she did this for the first time disobeyed him and jumped from her window and ran to the playground only to find herself alone with the swings and the sweet smelling grass.


new admission-SCHOOL time?

The monday morning was loathsome as ever.
the little girl woke up brushed her teeth and then went straight to her bed sleeping in until mom the dearest found her and pulled her up shoved her under the shower that gave her chills.
It was the start to winter after all. November it was, just the begining to good things.

That days school will never be forgotten.
the chubby checked boy turned out to be more than mischievous. He was ridiculous.
on his very first day as he had joined mid term had no fellow acquaintances but he managed to keep a duster on the door without anyone noticing.
as a result when the first teacher came in and the duster fell on the head knocking him out, as the little boy stood there with wide black eyes but hidden mischief in them turned to me and asked
"I feel sorry for him. such pitty, a kid made a fool out of him "

"umm y...ee...ss ".the little girl too shocked just yet to react or answer.
"care if I sit next to you? " she gave a nod when he asked.

chatty fellow he was talked too much and asked to much for a girl who herself was the one asking, mostly before she met him off course.
so the questions came in flow like-
"you live near my street? "

"yes , just around the corner."she blinked and looked around to see if the teacher was back to his sense.
"so what's your name?"he continued without a concern to his surroundings.

"everyone calls me Ashi but it is Ashria" she spoke with glitter in her eyes.

"Hi Ashi, I am ankush my brother calls me kush though" he answered, the question before it was asked.

"where are you from ankush?"she spoke in haste to stop him from bombarding her with questions. In the meantime learning to speak his name and trying to spell it in her head.

"I lived near an ocean but I don't know the name of that place." he spoke eyes closed just for a little trying to imagine how that place used to look.

"oh I would have loved it." she spoke dreaming that herself.

"what?"he asked amused

"To live near an ocean! " she said with smile bigger than the moon.

and suddenly there was a knock on the door the principal stood there with a wide grin on his face when he was greeted with little children's good morning chants.

He was astonishingly handsome to be a principal he looked almost a competition to Leonardo DiCaprio! (so he is my leo! principal!! )
and he was very young.
nobody knew about him because he was the new young and hot principal in the town!!
too young to be precise.

when he picked the chubby one up in his arms and spun him around cuddled him a little and grinned at him.
"I might consider this is on you little brother? "he pointed at the still giddy teacher who was just about to rise from his spot.

**Author's nonsense **

Hello everyone
This is my first book and first chapter which comes after 6 months of publishing the book.
sorry darlings.
so here is a small start to a big journey.
from now on I'll be posting on every monday.
feel free to comment and kill me with words.
I'll make sure to read everything.
and thank you to whoever you are because you took time to read for me and I truly love you.
laugh like an idiot.

with lots of love,

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