Chapter 2- Alley Encounter

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Chapter 2

"Dude, what has been up with you lately?" Quinn questions me during the car ride home from school. I stare out the window at the greens trees racing by.

"What, you expect me to act like nothing happened?" I snap back, and my vision flashes red on the edges as I remember how he has practically ignored me for the past week. Did he really think that I wouldn't see him differently after he abandoned me?

"God no, but jeez, the guy just cheated on you. Move on and get over him." I have to stare straight out at the road as tears fill my eyes. He won't even refer to the event as it actually happened. Everyone has decided to act oblivious and like they don't know what happened to me. I can't take this for much longer. 

"Is this about the whole mate thing?" I suck in a sharp breath at Quinn's question, but try to hide the fact that he did hit a tender spot. If he sees that I'm crying he'll never let it go. I choke back a soft sob, and refuse to sniffle.

"Just let it go." I practically whimper, and pull my legs up tight to my chest. I'm sure he can smell the misery just rolling off of me. I don't really care.

"You know we're just goofing around Raina," Quinn tries to explain as he turns onto our street, and slows down to pull into the garage.

"Yeah, whatever." I harshly reply as I slam the car door behind me, and run inside up to my room.

"What's up with her?" I hear my dad ask Quinn downstairs. You'd think being werewolves they would try to speak quiet enough that I can't hear them.

"I think she's PMSing or something because she gets pissed over nothing, I was just trying to have a normal conversation with her and she freaked out." Quinn replies as I hear him pick up a fruit and bite through the tender skin, and into the juicy interior.

"You know I can't PMS, and I did not freak out! Stop freaking making things up!" I yell knowing that they can both hear me.

Of course Quinn had to rub in another topic that I'm sensitive about.  Female werewolves don't become fertile until they meet their mate. Until then, a female werewolf is under constant male threats, and to keep her safe the wolf doesn't go into heat and become fertile until she has a mate to protect her.

"I didn't make up anything! You're just upset because you don't have a mate yet!" Quinn yells up the stairs, still munching on his apple. I take in a deep breath and refrain from yelling back at him, it'll just encourage him to bother me some more.

I burry my face into my pillow, feeling the seam where I had to sew the pillow back together when I accidently tore it as I shifted into a wolf one morning. Quinn had thoroughly pissed me off by tossing a bucket of ice on me in order to wake me up. That was back before the incident with Mitch. I breathe in my natural animalistic scent with the slightest hint of female that only a werewolf can catch.

I have so much homework, thanks to Zach I didn't pay too much attention in my English class so I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing for that. I have loads of math I could be working on right now, but really, who in their future is going to look at a problem at work and go, 'Hey let me pull my graphing calculator out of my back pocket and tell you how the tangent of X determines our future.' No one, I see no point in taking calculus, especially since whatever job I do get won't be taking me far from this little town on Vashon Island.

What is Zach doing on our Island? Can't he see that our pack is comfortable here on our own? There isn't really enough space for another pack to move in on our island. I will definitely have to get answers from him tomorrow. I will not take no for an answer, or whatever mysterious crap he was feeding me at lunch today. 

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