Quiet Space

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Day 12 ~

Connie lay in the bed beside Jacob in her jogging bottoms and underwear after having got hot before falling asleep. Jacob watched her quietly running a hand through her hair as he watched her exhale gently.

He continued laying on top of the covers beside her, the only sound to be heard was her gentle breathing. Jacob gently placed a kiss to her nose before she scrunched it up burying her face into the pillow.

A small laugh escaped his lips as she resumed her silent position. Jacob watched her for a few more minutes before noticing how her breathing changed. Her eyes were still closed and to anyone who saw her, she looked fast asleep but as he continued to watch her a smile came to his lips.

"I know you're not asleep and haven't been for the last 5 minutes babe... I think you forget that I've been sleeping with you for almost 6 years so know when you're awake." Connie opened one eye looking over at Jacob who was smiling at her.

She lifted the duvet further up her body covering her shoulders as she closed her eyes again. Connie lay her head forwards into his chest as she sighed wrapping an arm around him. Jacob smiled hugging her close to his chest while rubbing gentle patterns across her back.

"Why are you up?" Her voice was hoarse and quiet as she spoke into his muscular chest. "I wanted to show you something but I couldn't stop watching you." His eyes hadn't moved from the moment he'd woken up, they were always focused on her.

Connie lifted her head back to the pillow so she could look up at him. "What did you want to show me?" He lifted his hand to her hair again pushing it back behind her ear. "Come with me." Jacob got up from the bed as Connie did the same.

Jacob crossed the room to the porch doors causing Connie to stop. "Outside? At this time. Wearing this?" She pointed to the fact she was half undressed. He chuckled grabbing her shirt from the floor and threw it at her. Connie only just caught it before standing with her hands on her hips. "This best be worth my time..."

Pulling the top on she picked up her jacket, slipped her boots on and wandered outside with Jacob. "It's supposed to be romantic-" "And it is 2am. When have we ever been romantic?" He walked closer to her lacing his arm around her waist as she leant her head on him. "Con please." She heard something in his voice as he spoke making her nod. "Okay."

They walked around the lake, starting the same way they always had before Jacob turned along another path. "So why couldn't we go to this place at a human hour?" He smiled as she took his hand walking towards another lake. When she looked up she noticed how the water met the edge with a white glow from the moonlight.

"Wow..." There were willow trees branching out over the water with blossom trees at the edge closest to them. As the wind blew gently the pink petals blew up around them before settling at her feet. The water was black only reflecting the light of the moon. It was secluded and not easy to find making it somewhere people could easily get away from the hustle and bustle of life for a while.

Connie noticed Jacob had sat down on a small wooden platform which was beside the water. She walked over taking a seat down beside him staying quiet for a moment. From here she could see the other end of the lake where there was a very small waterfall barely noticeable from any other angle.

"Jacob is something wrong?" He looked up to her frowning as she placed a hand on his leg. "What?" "All this, it's just made me think that something's happened... If you're not happy-" "God no. Con I've never been better, I just stumbled across this place when I went for a walk the other night. I figured we could use some time together, just us."

Connie smiled with relief as she relaxed once again. She lifted a hand to her stomach causing Jacob to glance down at her. "I shouldn't have got you up, you need rest-" "We're here now and I am not walking all that way back yet." He laughed wrapping arm around her shoulders as they looked across the water.

"You know I love you don't you?" Lifting her head from where she was lying it to look at him she frowned. "Of course I do, I've always known how you felt." Connie placed a hand to his cheek as he placed his hand on top of hers before standing up.

Connie's eyes followed him as he pulled his shirt off. "Do you trust me?" "Oh hell no Jacob." She continued to watch with some amusement as he took the rest of his clothes off before diving into the water. She shielded her face as the water splashed back at her before he emerged from underneath.

Jacob looked up to where she sat seeing her slowly giving in. "If you think I'm getting this wet you're very mistaken-" "Then take it off." Connie leveled her eyes at him as he watched the smile return to his face. Something about the way he looked at her meant she could never refuse what he said.

She pulled her arms out of her jacket letting it drop to the floor behind her. She stood up quickly getting undressed before lowering herself into the water from where she'd been sitting. Jacob stood up walking closer to her as she began wading out into the lake.

Her eyes dropped to the toned muscles of his chest before he stretched out to her bringing her into his arms. Jacob dropped back down into the water so that he was facing Connie. They stood still watching the other quietly as neither spoke. Connie maintained eye contact with him, so many things that they didn't need to say to each other anymore because with that one look they understood each other perfectly.

Jacob lifted his hands out of the water and placed them to her cheeks as he leant forwards pressing his lips to hers. She responded to the kiss suddenly feeling as though she'd been up for hours. The kiss deepened as one of Jacob's arms moved down to her waist holding her against him.

Connie wrapped her arms around his neck as she continued to kiss him walking out into the water further until she was on her tiptoes. Jacob noticed and smiled into the kiss before dropping the other hand and lifting her up from the water slightly. Connie laughed as she looked down at him before wrapping her legs around his waist and resuming the kiss.

The moment was serine as the immediate area was so quiet. Time together was sparse and the little time they did get together they both tried to make special for the other. As the holiday drew to an end they began preparing themselves for the return to reality which would inevitably see their time together disappear entirely. Jacob focused on the last few days they had wanting to make the most of every second.

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