chapter 9

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hiya! sorry i havent posted in a while, ive been really busy with christmas and my new job but here is the next chapter. hoe you like it :)

Jamie xoxo

 Chapter 9


Ava sauntered up the gravel pathway, showing all passer’s by the wonderful gleam of her pearly white teeth. Her rose bud cheeks rose high below her eyes, Ava didn’t care that they hurt from smiling so much; she was so pleased with herself. The pupil had become the master.

            Ava had received the phone call in the early hours of the morning, she knew it wouldn’t be long, Alexis could never stand not talking to Ava, and she would always have that hold over Alexis. It had been 2 and a half days since they last spoke, Ava had planned to go in the morning but decided to leave it and let Alexis wait for her arrival, but building the suspense went a bit over board, it was nearly 10pm now. Alexis thought of Ava as a daughter and she would use that to her advantage.

            When Ava had picked up the receiver and heard Alexis’s soft voice asking Ava to come into see her today, she couldn’t help but smile to herself. Of course, Ava would still sound pissed off, she wanted Alexis to beg for forgiveness after what she had done, and the pleasure of her winning was even greater.

             Alexis didn’t say why she wanted Ava to come in today but of course it would be to say sorry, what else was there to say? It was inevitable really, how was she going to keep two destined souls apart? Or maybe Alexis was going to her stubborn side and pull her there just to get to work on the ‘sword’. Ok yeah there was only like 5 days left but they already knew where it was. What was the rush?

            But that didn’t matter she would find out soon enough. As she approached the school, she pulled the collar of her jacket in closer to her chest, before the cold chill could have clasped her chest and almost stopped her from breathing. The long red brick walls stretched across out in front of her, she slowly lifted her aching legs up each step and slightly lifted her head into the harsh breeze, but not even this could have stopped the smiling. She pulled her golden brown hair out of her face and looked up to the main entrance, suddenly her smile turned into a frown, as the crystal blue banner she had made was mysteriously missing.

            She looked around frantically, glaring at anybody that could have seen or done anything about it. Then she saw Luke. She hadn’t spoken to him since the break up, in fact nobody had, and it was like he had disappeared off of the face of the earth.

            Luke lifted his head to see that Ava was staring at him; his heart broke once more as her hazel eyes gazed deep into his soul.

            Ava shook her head out the trance in which Luke had her in, and made her way over to. She would start a casual conversation; she still wanted to be his friend. Her heart leapt to her throat as he stood there staring back, his crystal blue eyes wide and as beautiful as ever. He was still very handsome. Although, his hair was lifeless, not the usual vibrant blonde, he had lost weight, he looked very fragile. She hoped it wasn’t her fault he was like this.

            She stopped in front of him and they both continued to stare at each other without speaking a word. The silence was uncomfortable, and still Luke wouldn’t break his gaze, Ava awkwardly broke the glare and stared at her feet as she shuffled them.

“Hi Luke, how are you?” she asked, failing to keep her voice from breaking. Luke contemplated on acting like he was amazing; that he wasn’t still heartbroken, like she hadn’t completely destroyed his life. But he wanted her to suffer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2011 ⏰

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