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I'm stuck.

On, like, everything.

Except for AFILAW. I finished chapter 1. But I'm not gonna post it until I've posted another chapter of tliac. Bc I just knoW that it'll get more popular than tliac and I'll want to write it more bc ppl r actually like it and want to read more. But I need to finish tliac soon. I've been writing it for a while and it's just been too long.

I also need to get going on ndy. Someone left a really nice review and now I feel the need to update for them. I tried, and I didn't know how to start it, so I just wrote a random dream sequence. But now I don't know how to continue from there.

I'm like a third finished the next chapter of tliac. Im not really stuck, but there's just this awkward  dialogue that I don't rly know how to do, so I just gave up.

And I'm also stuck on my denmark poem. Here's what I have so far:

My first is in loud but isn't in shout,
My second is in axe but isn't in clout,
My third is in beer but isn't in wine,
My fourth is in stubborn but isn't in whine

I'm thinking of having the next one be "Viking" but idk what the "isn't in" word will be.

So now I'm lying on my bed, listening to Bully, texting J, and writing in here.

You know, sometimes I think writing tliac ruined my writing. Bc when I go back and look at Lost Little Birdie, my writing was really fucking good. That prologue? Holy hell. Just. Wow. Granted I did take the basic idea from another book, but the actual writing was all mine. And the descriptions. I spent so much time on one paragraph describing how cold a room was. But it was a really good paragraph. And I used to describe things with colours, too. Like I described a fuzzy, comfortable feeling as "dark brown". I love that because certain colours are associated with different things, and they convey different feelings. And I described things with music, too. I just love how I used to describe things. And in Fake, my writing was amazing as well. But in tliac? Tliac is written in third person, present tense, and that sort of makes it feel abrupt, short, nondescript. Like it's just telling you the facts of what happened. I don't know why I did that, but it's stuck with me. Like if you look at Love Hurts, or Alias, there are no really good descriptions. In LH, the only descriptions were visual descriptions. Like what Tino's house looked like, Tino's face when he laughed, Tino's face when he was about to kill Berwald, etc. Okay, well actually, my descriptions were also how Berwald felt around tino. And they were good, but they weren't SO good. See, I call it "writers orgasm".

I was going somewhere with this, but now I'm in a text war with J. I got no time for this.

Hasta la pasta!


Well, that was underwhelming.

I skipped tkd to go to a modern art show at this old rundown building on the side of town. The actual art was pretty boring, but the building was really cool. It used to be a power plant. I wanted to go explore the building but it didn't seem like I was allowed to sprint through the  hallways, so I just walked. And died.

I wish I stayed home and watched Netflix.

Even later

I posted AFILAW. I'm a terrible person.

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