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Was it only yesterday that I wrote last? It feels like a long time ago.

Well, I told mum about my phone. She wasn't too pissed. I think she was preoccupied with being pissed at A, though I don't know what for. She got grounded for some reason, but whatever.

Today was really fun. In the morning we went strawberry picking and J came along. We were so slow picking, but that's because we were eating a lot too. After that, me and J went to her house to work on our script for the new season of ahs. We've decided it will be called clockwork.

American Horror Story: Clockwork.

It's a cool name, but not really the kind of name they use, but who cares. It's a fan season.

So we tried to write but we only got to scene two. Rip. Rip so hard.

And then we made shortcake with the strawberries and I had to run home to go to tkd.

Oh yeah. And we also went back to Earl grey with Imogen. There was nobody there tho, they were all on the trips. There were like two fetus child collecting their shit from their lockers, but that was it.

When we got home from tkd A stole the computer aGAIN. Ugh. I just wanna answer these motherfucking asks I got on tumblr, oKAY?!!?!

Anyway she was being a bitch about it so mum and dad offered to log me in after she was done but as it happens yesterday my time cut out right when I was stalking hetalia-crackfessions on tumblr. And, well. I don't want them to see a picture of aph England doing BDSM with aph France with the caption, "Arthur KINKland".

At least I'll be able to start my ask aph Ukraine blog tmr. It's ask-irunya-ukraine. I've already drawn my first post but I haven't posted it bc I keep forgetting to email it to myself.

I rly wanna post another chapter of AFILAW, too. I posted another chapter of tliac, so I feel I'm entitled. I still need to fucking work on Not Dead Yet, but meh.

Rn I'm just chilling in bed, listening to Culcha Candela and waiting for mum to forget about finding the microwave pizza box in the recycling.

I ate it the other night. Like the E n t I r E thing. I just folded it up and ate it like a fuckin taco.

I'm gonna give myself diabetes.

My playlist is gonna end in a song and a half and I want to get up and restart it but I'm too comfortable help me

Oh I just remembered I need to check the post for hetalia rarepair week. It starts on Sunday and I wanna start writing some gerkraine.

Yanno I've never rly written gerkraine. I've drawn a lot of gerkraine, but I haven't written fluffy drabbles or anything.

Ivan is sitting on my dresser, fucking shit up. He needs to chill.


Ivan is my cat, by the way.

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