Chapter 2: Moving to America

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Your pov

Months have sign that they're alive. Everyone says they're dead. I refuse to believe that...even though it's pretty obvious. I decided watch the news,and the first thing they talked about were my parents.

On T.V.~

"Lamentablemente, hay una ninguna señal de la pareja desaparecida. Los investigadores dicen que los que pueden haber sido atraídos fuera de su coche y asesinada . Una daga ensangrentada con una " D " en el mango se ha encontrado fuera del coche, pero nunca se encontraron los cuerpos . Próximamente , una mujer afirma que su perro fue el que robó la banca- (Sadly,there a still no sign of the missing couple. Investigators say that that they may have been lured outside their car and murdered. A bloody dagger with a "D" on the handle has been found outside the car,but the bodies were never found. Coming up,a woman claims that her dog was the one who robbed the bank-)"

I didn't want to hear it..."Oh , ma mère ... Je suis tellement désolé ! Pourquoi ai- je pas avec toi ? ! ? Je suis tellement désolé papa ! S'il vous plaît! Viens à la maison! Vous seriez encore ici si ce n'était pas pour moi!(Oh,mother...I'm so sorry! Why didn't I go with you?!? I'm so sorry daddy! Please! Come home! You'd still be here if it wasn't for me!)" I cried.

That's when I decided to leave it all behind...I packed my stuff and I was about to grab my laptop...then I saw something on it. It was a note.

"Vous pouvez cacher l'obscurité ... mais vous ne pouvez pas courir à partir de l'amour"

"You can hide from the darkness...but you can't run from love? What does that mean?"  I asked myself as I grabbed the laptop and my bags and walked out the door. I didn't have a car but a cousin of mine did,plus they didn't live that far away so I decided to walk there. I walked into an ally way as a short cut,then I bumped into someone.

Blood stained his shirt,his skin had a grey tint,all with a charming smile...

"Oh! Désolé , j'aurais regardé où j'allais . Je viens de se diriger vers la maison de mon cousin. Encore une fois , désolé! Je suis une boîte de bavardage .(Oh! Sorry,I should have looked where I was going. I was just heading to my cousin's house. Again,sorry! I'm such a chatter box.)" I said as I looked down embarrassed. One of the reasons I apologized was because the man looked like he could easily could kill me.

"It's ok! No need to be sorry." He smiled. "Oh! I didn't realize you speak English! It's just that I'm so used to talking to other people in French if I'm wasting your time." I apologized...again.

"Why,not at all! By the way,what's your name? You seem familiar." He asked. "(Y/n) (l/n),sir. And yours?" I asked. "You'll find out." He smiled. "I don't think that'll happen." I said.

"Why not?" He asked. "I'm moving to L.A." I replied. "What a coincidence! I live in L.A. I was just in Paris for a visit! I'll be leaving tomorrow." He said. "Well then,in that case...see you in L.A.!" I said as I waved goodbye.

Soon enough I reached my cousin Emma's house. "(Y/n)!Qu'est-ce qui vous amène ici aujourd'hui?( (y/n)! What brings you here today?)" She asked.

"Je me demandais si vous pouviez me conduire à l'aéroport . Mais si vous le savez ... Je ne suis pas revenir à Paris. Si vous avez besoin de moi je serai dans L.A.(I was wondering if you could drive me to the airport. But just so you know...I'm not coming back to Paris. If you need me I'll be in L.A.)" I said.

"Laisse-moi deviner. Parce que l'Amérique est une terre d'opportunité ?(Let me guess. Because America is a land of opportunity? )" She asked.

"Non ... Je ne peux pas rester ici en France ... les souvenirs de ma mère et le père sont trop douloureux .(No... I can not stay here in France ... the memories of my mother and father are too painful.)" At that point Emma got it and drove me to the airport.

1 month later...

I still missed my old life in France,don't get me wrong! America is amazing! I'm just home sick,yet I never want to go back. Since my aunt is a millionaire,she gave me more than enough about 2 million dollars. I now live in L.A. and I recently had been watch a certain YouTuber called Markiplier. Every time I watch one of his gaming videos he'd always make me laugh,even when I was having a rough day.

But now I think I'm starting to have a crush on him. Then again...what girl doesn't. After watching on of Mark's Octodad videos I left to go take a walk around town. I enjoyed walking around town,seeing what there was to see. But on my way back home I got lost and walked straight into a dead end.

"Look what we have here fellas! Little miss rich looks like she gots some money on her!" Someone said.

"Pas de bons fils de pute.(No good sons of b****es.)" I whispered to myself. "Ok,lady! We could do this the easy way or the hard way! Which on is it?" The gang member said as his squad laughed.

And the only way to save myself was to act like a stereotypical French girl. "Pourquoi Bonjour! Pardon! Je ne parle pas très bien l'anglais ! Si elle est de l'argent que vous voulez que je ne possède pas !(Why hello! Sorry! I don't speak English very well! If it's money you want I don't have ANY!)" I said in a French accent. I don't have an actual accent,I just sound American.

The gang member looked at his squad confused,you could tell he wasn't the brightest out of all of them. "Anybody know what this b**** said?" He yelled.

"Iz don't has ze money!" I said in a stereotypical French accent. "Too bad,little miss French!" He said as held a knife up to my throat. "Now you're gonna die-" his words were cut off when his throat was slit. Then he fell on the ground,lifeless. I looked at his gang...they were all dead...blood everywhere.

"Oh my god!" I said as I backed away from the scene. Then I bumped into someone.

I tuned around...he looked so familiar. I noticed his blood stained shirt. "Did you do this?" I asked. "Yes,but you're not out of the woods just yet."

Alright my kits!

That was chapter 2!

Trust me,I can't wait to start the next chapter!

U ̄ n... Jikai wa watashi no kitsune Kuran made...
Well...until next time my Kitsune Klan...


Votre obscurité , mon amour(Your darkness,My love) (Darkiplier X reader)Where stories live. Discover now