Chapter 5: Dreamer

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(Dark's pov)

I was actually on her roof. I simply disguised myself as a raven. I never wanted her think of me as a monster but she already does. A single tear fell from my face as I flew off into the night. I looked at the moon,it was beautiful but,not as beautiful as her. I flew onto a tree branch and fell asleep.

(The next morning)

I woke up on the ground with a green wolf sniffing me,it then licked my face. "Wake up Darky!" It  began to run around like a playful dog. "Anti why the f*** did you lick my face? Kinda gay." I said.

"To wake you up!" He said. "I was already wake d*** head! And why am I on the ground anyway?" I asked. "You fell. Anyway,where were you last night? You promised me,Virus,Mad,and Wilford a guy's night out!" Anti pouted. His ears drooped down as he whimpered.

I rolled my eyes and got up. My wing was bruised but it wasn't too bad. I flew onto his head and smiled. "How about next weekend?" I said. "Really?" He said. "Yep! We'll get drunk as hell,and play Minecraft till we're purple!" I said. His face lit up as he started to walk. "I LOVE BEING PURPLE! Come on Darky! Lets go get drunk!" He smiled as we both laughed. We didn't realize we walked out on the open road. 

We heard a car slowly approaching. I looked over and saw a car about to hit us. "OH FU-" the car hit us as Anti let out a whimper of pain and I let out some weird bird noise. Everything went black.

I woke up on a bed next to Anti,I looked at my wing. It was broken. I wasn't a raven anymore. I looked at my arm,it wasn't broken,thankfully. Anti sat up. "Dark I had this horrible nightmare where you went back on your promise for a guy's night out and we got hit by a car-...ARE YOU F***ING ME IN THE A** DID THAT ACTUALLY HAPPEN?!" Anti yelled. 

"Yes and please stop yelling my eardrums are bleeding." I looked to my left. There was (y/n). "Oh hi (y-"

"DARK LET ME F***'N INTRODUCED US! Hi my name is Anti and I have a stabbing fetish-" I smacked Anti upside the head."WTF ANTI?! YOU SOUND LIKE A RETARDED PSYCHOPATH!!" I yelled at him. Seriously! Who the f*** says they have a stabbing fetish?! "SHUT UP YA EMO VAMPIRE!!" Anti yelled. "SHUT UP I DON'T SPARKLE PLUS I'M WAY MORE SEXIER!" I yelled back. "AND YOU'RE GOD DAMN RIGHT BECAUSE FOR SOME REASON I TURN GAY WHEN I'M NEAR YOU...s***." Well this escalated quickly.

"Well that went from 0 to 100 real quick. So Anti,I'm (y/n). Darkiplier you already know good parent murderer..." she mumbled the last part. "Shut up I didn't know they were your parents." (Y/n) sighed. I could see a small tear form.  "Look...I'm sorry,ok? If I would have known I would have never done it. Same thing goes for the other incident..."

There was a long,awkward,pause for a while. Anti looked at me then (y/n).

"I feel awkward." He said smiling.

I laughed a bit and messed up his green fluffy hair. "Goober." I said. "So why are we here anyway?" I asked. "I was there when you guys were hit. I wasn't just gonna leave you there so..." she looked away. I chuckled. "Aww,you do care!" She growled a little. "Shut up why would I care about you?"

"Tsundere much?" I chuckled. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and walked out. "Pretty one,isn't she?" Anti smirked. "Maybe I'll make her mine-" 

"No way in hell!" I smacked him upside the head,again."If anyone's gonna have her it's...m-me..." I blushed a bright shade of red. "Come on,Dark! She wants nothing to do with you! She freaking hates you! Hell! I probably don't have a chance with her and I'm clearly the sexiest one here!" He said. I sighed.

"Whatever. I'm just gonna take a nap." I said as I laid down and fell asleep.

(Your pov)

I fell asleep on the couched and I was in a weird place. A dream I guess. The sky was beautiful shade of purple. The stars were out yet they were multicolored. I was at the edge of the woods. At the edge was a cliff and an endless void below. I walked into the woods and I heard singing. The voice Dark's. I followed it but the closer I got to it,the quieter it got. I soon realized I was lost. The trees and ground began to disappear. "Ah! H-Help!" A midnight black wolf ran up to me and signaled me to follow it. I quickly ran after it as the ground began to dissapear.

I closed my eyes as I tripped and fell. I expected to fall into the void,but instead I fell onto a flower bed. I opened my eyes and saw that that I was on a hill which was covered in flowers. I looked up and saw a raven sleeping in a tree. The wolf howled which scared the raven awake. It flew down in front of me and turned into a shadow creature. It looked like Dark. It smiled and kissed my cheek and held my hand. Nightmare like creatures began to surround us. The shadow hugged me as it's wings unfolded. Every single petal from every single flower surrounded us. It smiled once more,showing off its sharp fangs. I leaned in close to my face as I blushed a dark red. 

"(Y/n)...I-I...",he,stuttered as he placed his lips onto mine. Then I finally woke up in Dark's arms. 

"D-Dark! Get off of me!" I said as I pushed him away. "What's wrong? You looked like you were having a nightmare so I tried to confort you and when I hugged you,you calmed down." He said. My eyes widened as I remembered the dream. "Wait did you kiss me?!" I yelled. " you want to?" He said flatly. "Hell no!" I snapped as his friend Anti started laughing.

I'm just praying I don't have to deal with Dark for too long.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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