Chapter One

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*Jaelynn PoV*

I can't believe Alice is still trying to get me to go partying with her when I've already told her I don't feel like it this week. We have exams next week and I can't afford to fail even one of them. Aias knows I don't want to go so he decided to get in another fight with Alice and now I'm forced to watch those two go at it like cat and dog. It's stupid, there's no point. I'm going to do what I want no matter what either one says, I always do.

      "Enough! I'm done listening to you two argue. You both know that no matter what y'all say u will still go home and study because I don't really care. Aias, you can either continue arguing with Alice or you can come home with me and help me study. Either ones fine with me but I'm headed home so make up your mind," I end my lecture turning around and starting to walk away.

      "Jae, I'm sorry, of course I'm coming with you to study. I can't let you study on your own," Aias says walking up to me.

"Whatever, let's go. I need to study as much as humanly possible if I even want to think about being able to pass my AP Chemistry exam or my AP Calculus."

                  *Auden PoV*
      Jaelynn is so beautiful. It's strange saying that about a male but he doesn't have the features of a male, he has the looks of a cute little twink whom I just want to... shit I really need go stop. He's my best friend's son for Pete's sake but I can't stop thinking all these things. I sometimes think that he likes me more than he should but I almost immediately through that thought out the window because there is noway that he could possibly have feelings for me when I'm way older than him and he has a girlfriend.

      I'm 'babysitting' him today. It's not really babysitting considering I don't sit for long and he is no where near a baby. Not even close. I sometimes wish that he would just take me to his room and let me have my way with him instead of giving me fucking blue balls. Do you know how bad that hurts especially when sometimes I have to watch him for days during the summer. I have to go everywhere with him meaning I have no time to try and fix my problem and I walk around his house with a bøner cause he walks around in tight boxers and no shirt. If I look close enough I can see the outline of him through his boxers. He's not even close to small. Anyways he is amazing and I'm in love with him and the only one who knows is his straight friend Aias who is a dįck and smirks at me when he sees me staring at Jae for too long.

__________*_____*_______Authors note: not long. So Aias knows they like each other and Aias seems to be clingy and possessive. The attribute of a boyfriend. So is Aias straight?? Comment tell me if you like and what to do.

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