Danny- Its Always Been Her

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I'm sick of it. Everytime she walks in, his eyes are on her. I get it she was his first love but what about me? Why? It always has to be her. He promised me he had no feelings for her anymore. I believed him. But he always is hanging out with her in his free time not his girlfriend. Not me.

"Y/N, hey, are you okay?" Ben asks.

"Y-Yep! I'm f-fine Ben." I say trying to smile. "No, you're not your crying.." Ben says and engulfs me in a hug. I start sobbing into his shoulder. "Its just w-why Ben? Why is that he l-loves her more than m-me? I get that t-their childhood f-friends and e-everyt-thing bu-but-" I get cut off as a sob escapes my lips.

"You wanna know what she asked him today? She said if there wasn't a Y/N would there be an us? And Danny fucking said yes right away!!!" I shouted.

Ben looked shocked. He then pulled me into another hug.

"He's an asshole then Y/N.." He says. I start getting madder. Not because of Ben but because of Danny. "I just don't get it! Am I not enough?! So I don't work at a law firm and I work at a bar. I work at the bar you guys own! What makes him like her so much? Because of the memories? Well guess what?!? I don't give a damn no more!! He can go and be with her now!! I'm kicking him out. And that is final." I say. I didn't relise I was hitting Ben's chest the whole time with fist until I looked down at my hands that were balled up.

"Oh my God!! Ben I'm so sorry!!!" I say apologizing. "Its ok, you needed to get that out." He says looking down at me. "Y'know I saw them kissing once since we've been together.. I never said anything though." I whisper. Ben stares at me shocked.

Right at this moment Danny decides to walk into the apartment smiling. "Hey guys- " he starts but stops. "Why are you holding her, Ben?!?" He raises his voice at Ben. "Oh! I'm so sorry for being a supportive friend when her ass of a boyfriend was off with Riley!!!" Ben shouts at him, anger in his eyes. Danny then looks at me. "Have you been crying?" He asks reaching to wipe my tears. "Don't touch me." I whisper but loud enough for them to hear as step closer to Ben. A look of anger flashes Danny's face again as he glares at his brother.

They then start arguing. I see Danny's hand turn into a fist. I see him slowly raising it.

"NO!!DANNY STOP!!" I shout as his fist collides with Ben's eye.

Danny looks over at me. "Why?" He asks. "Why? Why,what?" I say. "Why were you crying?" He asks. "Because of you." I say softly. "Because of me? What did I do?!" He exclaims. "What did you do?!?!" I now exclaim anger boiling up inside me. "EVERYTHING!! DANNY YOU DID EVERYTHING!!! YOU SAID YOU DIDNT LOVE HER ANYMORE WHEN YOU CLEARLY STILL DO!!! IF SHE COMES IN A ROOM ITS LIKE I VANISHED AND SHE IS THE ONLY ONE THERE!! HOW DO YOU THINK THAT MAKES ME FEEL AND I SAW THAT YOU GUYS KISSED, DANNY!!! YOU CHEATED ON ME DANNY!!!" I scream at him. "And I heard what she asked you.. Why did you reply yes so fast Danny?" I say anger all gone now replaced with sadness. Tears slowly run down my face.

"I-I don't know...I guess I was just excited about having a second chance with her..But I love you honestly I do!!" Danny says pleading.

"I'm sorry Danny but we both know that's a lie.. Because-" I then sigh.

"It's always been her."

Baby Daddy Imagines & PreferencesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora