0.2: got7

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pepi_jr has just added hitthetuan, dabmaster97, yugurt97, sunshinejae, jaebummie94, and jwang69 to the chat

hitthetuan: oh

dabmaster97: AYYEE

yugurt97: what

jwang69: what's happening

jaebummie94: why is your name jwang69

jwang69: bc y not, why is urs jaebummie

jaebummie94: youngjae named it for me

sunshinejae: :-) hiii

jaebummie94: hey

hitthetuan: why did you add us

pepi_jr: kyungsoo invited us to his costume get together party-thing

dabmaster97: kool

hitthetuan: cool*

dabmaster97: no

private message to yugurt97 from dabmaster97

yugurt97: what

dabmaster97: guess what I'm eating

yugurt97: food?

dabmaster97: -.-

Yugurt97: then what

dabmaster97: you
back to group chat

pepi_jr: jin & i decided that we should all go as toy story or finding nemo theme. Probably both together

jwang69: youngjae should be like little boo peep yknow

sunshinejae: why?

jwang69: bc she's pretty cute n nice n happy, like youuu

jaebummie94: stay in your lane child.
jwang69 has sent sunshinejae a private message

jwang69: ;))
sunshinejae has sent a private message to jaebummie94
sunshinejae: BUMMIE

jaebummie94: hm?

sunshinejae: jackson is sending me winky faces again

jaebummie94: really?


jaebummie94: hold on
jaebummie94 has added jwang69 and sunshinejae
jaebummie94: jackson wang

jwang69: present

sunshinejae: cleanse your thirst for sunshine here, and hide your pretzel dick or I'll cut it, and feed it to the seagulls

jwang69: wouldn't jin be mad that you're feeding it to jungkook

sunshinejae: did he just-

jaebummie94: fukc off, don't touch or flirt with sunshine, before I tell mark what you write on your diary about him


jaebummie94: *attached image of himself with the diary* bc i have it

jwang69: FINE, BYE BINCH

jwang69 has left the convo

jaebummie94;: better sunshine?

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