chapter one

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I wake up before the sun rises, unable to sleep at all. It's hard to believe that my father was only slain yesterday. It's sad to say that the event fueled my desire for the battle tonight to come even more.

"Gwahahaha! That silly man Yuan Shao! He think he can take my dreams of paradise away! How foolish!" Night had fallen quicker than anticipated, and I stand with Dong Zhuo's favorite officers as we prepare for battle. I had done all of my preparations already, every one of my loyal subordinates had been informed of our future defection. All I had to do was wait just a little longer without slicing down Dong Zhuo with my spear beforehand.

Revenge will come later, (Y/N). It took all of my strength not to lash out and strangle the pig with my bare hands... It was as if the killing of my father didn't even happen! My jaw clenches in anger.
"I need you to squash any and all bugs who get in my way!" He orders loudly. Dong Zhuo throws an arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side.

"Stay on the front lines with Zhang Liao to help me escape, lovely (Y/N)." All of my muscles tense up involuntarily, and my hand clenches tighter around my spear.
One swing of this thing is all it would take to end his life. I force a sweet smile on to my face, although I'm pretty sure the corners of my mouth are twitching dangerously.

"Why of course, Lord Dong Zhuo," I assure, failing to hide traces of venom in my voice. Master Zhang Liao notices, fortunately, and roughly pulls me away.  Dong Zhuo shoots him a glare.
"Lady (Y/N) and I will start the advance so you may escape quickly and safely, Lord Dong Zhuo." Dong Zhuo puts a thick hand on his beard thoughtfully.

"Very well. Don't fail me."
Zhang Liao drags me away with a hand.
"Let us ready the troops."

"I know you plan to defect soon, (Y/N), but maybe you should watch your tongue-"
"Why should I, Zhang Liao? He murdered my father, I have no respect for him now, nor have I ever." The man frowns and looks away from my steely gaze.
"Troops! Ready the advance!"
The troops shout a rallying cry and leave the base.
Zhang Liao turns to me.
"I would ask if you were sure you wanted to defect but I-"
"Yes, Zhang Liao, I'm sure. Why don't you leave? I know you're better than this." He shakes his head.
"My loyalty to Master Lu Bu keeps me here," Liao says, somewhat dejectedly.
I pull my only friend into a hug.
"I will miss you, Zhang Liao. Please stay safe," I whisper tearfully.
"And I you, (Y/N). I wish you the best of luck as an officer under Lord Cao Cao's reign." I break out of the hug and look down at the ground.

"That is if he even accepts me," I reflect sadly.
"Have hope, (Y/N)." He holds up a hand and I grasp it firmly, for we may not ever see each other again.

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