1. Road Trip

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"Dad, please? Come on, don't fight with me on this. You knew. You've known for months."

He hugged me tightly. "I know. Just, this road trip. College. It's all coming so quickly."

"Come on, don't be all sentimental on me now. Geez." I hugged him back gently. "I'll be back in two months. After the concert, we'll stay in the hotel. Then, they're coming with me to tour UCLA. But I'm coming home. I promise."

"Pinky promise?" He held out his hand, reminding me of the old childhood game.

"Of course Dad. I love you." I wrapped my pinky around his as my younger step-brother placed my last bag in the car trunk.

"Have fun at college," he mumbled walking inside.

"Bye dork!" I yelled waving at him as I hugged Kira tightly. She was six now and crying because of me leaving. "I'll come home soon baby girl."

"I'll just miss you," she whined, and I hugged her tighter. "What if I call you, all the time?" She nodded quickly and kissed my cheek.

Last but not least, Kelly. At thirteen years old, she was pretending that she wouldn't miss me. I knew better. "Hey Squirt, where's my hug?"

She stepped forward and we hugged briefly. "Be good for Penny and Dad, and don't argue with Turner. I love you guys."

"Love you too!" They chorused and I hugged my father one last time before getting into the car and driving away waving.


Pulling up to Callie's house, I parked and hooked my iPod up to the stereo. I turned on some random One Direction song as I texted Callie and Jessica that I was here.

Jessica stayed at Callie's Friday night and all day today. Looking at the clock, I realized we were a little early. It was only 11:30 and we just had to make sure we were leaving town by midnight.

As they walked out, Callie and Jessica began arguing over who got front seat. I rolled down the window grinning. "When's my birthday?"

"Uh," Jess started. "It's in November I know it!"

"November 14, 1997," Callie called out jumping into the front seat as Jessica pouted. "Sorry Jess, rules are rules."

"God dammit. Ugh!" Jess growled. "If I still used a wheelchair I'd run you over with it!"

"But you don't," I smiled. "Because God blessed you with beautiful long legs that any girl would kill for. Breaking your legs in middle school paid off honey."

She grinned, blushing lightly. Jessica doesn't know how to respond to compliments. She got in the back and grabbed my iPod playing a new song. "If I'm stuck in back I get to DJ!" She started up the song Up All Night by One Direction to keep us pumped up and awake.

Leaving our hometown, the only thing you could hear in our car was loud, obnoxious singing.

I wanna stay up all night and jump around until we see the sun. I wanna stay up all night and find a girl and tell her she's the one. 💕

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