Its so unfair

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You were unsure .
What if we lose it , I can't go through that again .
Ben looked down and placed his hand on the side of your face .
If your not ready that's okay , just tell me when you are .
He smiled at you , you looked down at the floor .
I'm sorry , I know how much you wanted that kid .
You began to cry . He sat down next to you on the couch of the tour bus.
Hey hey shhhh , how many times do I Have to tell you it's not your fault.
You smiled and hugged him tightly , he gave amazing hugs .
He also smelled really good , as always .

You both lay in bed at home watching those pretty little liars episodes you promised Ben .
He screamed at the television . You giggled , he was enjoying it .
So , you do like pretty little liars huh ?
You mocked .
No what makes you think that? this is awful .
He rolled his eyes and lay back in the bed .
That was until he jumped up and started screaming at the tv once again .
He looked back at you , trying to play it off , you couldn't stop laughing .
Okay , fine whatever , this season is good
He smiled back at you .
Do you want to know who A is .
You teased him.
Yes come hear , you giggled getting closer to his ear .
You'll have to find out for yourself.
You whispered laughing into his ear .
YOU BITCH , do you really know ?
He sighed , looking down at you .
Yes I do .
You said kissing him on the nose
Hey babe ?
Yes ?
He replied .
I change my mind , I do want to try again .
You said beaming up at him , he laughed and jumped on top of you .
You sure ?
Positive .
You replied , you were so sure .
Well Come on then .

You looked down at the pregnancy test .
Negative .
This was your fourth try .
The tour was over now .
You began to cry , you really wanted a fucking child .
You unlocked the door to find a nervous looking Ben twiddling his thumbs .
He saw the tears in your eyes and looked down at the floor .
That's when you lost it , all you wanted was a child , that's all , and you couldn't have one , and all the people who didn't want children that got them and you can't .
It's so unfair .
You cried out , Ben grabbed you and hugged as tight as he could .
I know babe , I know , shh shh it's okay hey look , I bought you something .
He ran back into the room .
You waited patiently laughing everytime you heard something hit the floor , he made you so happy no matter what the situation was .
Look .
It was the perks of being a wallflower , your favourite movie ..EVER.
Do you want to watch it together , I know how much you love watching it and I was thinking , I've never seen it.
You smiled up at him nodding .
He carried you bridal style down the stairs .
He flung you onto the couch and put the movie into the DVD player .
You sat up to let Ben sit down and you put your head on his lap .

By the end of the movie you were both in tears .
He rubbed his hand along your hair and all the way down your back .
Ben are you crying?
You giggled , smirking up at him.
No ..I think there's something in my eye.
He mumbled . You sat up .
Yeah ...sureee
You teased .
Don't you yeah ..sure me miss .
You wiped the tears from his face as he rolled his eyes.
Did you like it ?
You asked hopefully , he nodded kissing you on your jaw.
Jesus your freezing , here.
He said wrapping you up in your Harry Potter Blanket .
Here you have some too .
You said throwing the blanket on top of him.
You both lay down on the couch and fell asleep .

You woke up to the sound of clattering in the kitchen .
Ben shot up with a fright and ran inside , you ran in after him .
That's when you saw James and Denis roaming around the kitchen for food .

Hey , what are you doing here ?
Ben grunted .
Our place is all out of food because someone ate it all.
Denis moaned giving James a glare .
What ? I was fucking hung over and hungry okay .
James replied walking over to the fridge .
well you could have told us , I thought someone had broken into the house .
Ben uttered taking the milk out of James' hand.
Can't you buy more food ?
Ben asked .
well yeah but we decided this was easier .
Denis laughed .
Get out and buy your own food please .
Ben shouted grabbing the two by their collars and pushing them out the front door .
James screamed from outside the window.
Ben didn't reply .
Fucking idiots .

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