Chapter Five - The Butterfly Theory

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Limbo had an eerie calm to it the last time Emily was there, but it wasn't the same a second time around. The landscape had drastically changed into something dark and twisted. Instead of the sunny blue sky there was pitch darkness, barely illuminated by tiny diamond-like stars embedded into the night. The pine trees were dead, some of them had fallen while others stood with black scarring lining the tissue of the bark. The grass was dead as well, dessicated and curled into the Earth. There was no mist, only dry air.

Emily hunched over her knees, breathing heavily. She cradled herself with her arms, fighting to get a grip. It wasn't real. This is all just a dream! It's a dream! It has to be! A hand was laid on her shoulder. Emily sprang to her feet and spun around.

"What the hell was that?" She shouted at Divina.

"Jason Rhodes, deceased at sixteen-killed in automobile collision while driving under the influence."

Emily hated how indifferent Divina was to the situation. "No, I mean the vision itself! That was too real! That wasn't like all the others!"

"Because it was a glimpse of the future," She calmly replied. "Jason was struck by grief when he learned of your death. He believed it was his fault for not dealing with Harper and for interfering with Austin. Jason drunk his sorrows away, and in doing so sealed his fate."

Emily shut her eyes tight then reopened them. Divina was still peering at me in the middle of Limbo. No, this isn't a dream, and I'm not waking up. "What's wrong with this place? Why is it..."

"Foreboding?" Divina raised an eyebrow. "Limbo, in some religions is also called purgatory-a place of punishment for lost souls. It's an extension of the soul trapped within it. It reflects how damaged a soul truly is. You can imagine what it will look like when you lose your mind."

A shiver rolled down Emily's spine. "Are more people going to end up like Jason?" Her voice came out barely above whisper.

"Not all will be so reckless, but everyone copes with death the best to their ability. It is not an easy process, especially in a story like yours."

Emily looked up at her, hoping for more answers.

Divina must have keyed in, because she resumed speaking. "Death can be beautiful yes, I will not lie, but it is a painful truth to those around you. With death comes the Butterfly Effect. Do you know what that is?"


"The Butterfly Effect is a theory that a single occurrence, no matter how small, can change the course of the universe forever. It is the theory that everything matters, that even the flutter of a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world. If you change even the smallest of life's details, you completely change its outcome."

"Can it?" Emily asked.

"Can what?"

She hesitated. "Can a butterfly's wings cause a hurricane?"

Divina became as still as a statue. "You tell me."

Emily stared down at the grass for a while.

Divina softened her voice. "These deaths are not your fault, but you do have the power to change your friend's paths."

Bitter laughter rose from Emily's lips. "You have the nerve to tell me this isn't my fault when all of this is going to happen because of me?"

"You must remember, not everything is set in stone. This does not have to be where your story ends."

"Ha, right, right, because if I decide to let you resurrect me from the dead everything is going to rainbows and sunshine! Am I right?" She snapped.

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