Chapter one☺️

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I'm in my living room waiting for gar to come pick me up to go shopping for a house/apartment because the one I have right now is too small and I can't do anything in it so gar and I are gonna live in the house/apartment together , so the realtor is taking us around places finding house , the realtor showed us houses that were too big or too small , we were next to the beach and the realtor said " this house has a good view of the beach , it has good size backyard with pool , two floors , the first floor has a big game room , medium size kitchen , very nice living room , second floor has two bedrooms , two bathrooms , sunroom,and storage space , let's have a look inside " so we went inside and my graciousness it's beautiful , so then me and gar talked it over and told the realtor " we'll buy it " he gave us each a house key , so I called a moving van saying " hey can I get you to move my stuff from shinning apartment room 4325 to king place house 5641 " they said " yea "so then me and gar waited what's funny is me and gar always act like a couple for example we hold hands, cuddle, kiss,sleep together ,hug , go on dates together so people honestly come up to us and say " your an adorable couple" so then the movers got everything from mine and gars apartments into the house , and so I decided to do a blog , so I took out my camera and said" hey guys it's gamer hacker Sarah and this video is an update on what's going on , so right now me and gar just moved into a house together but we're just friends living with each other not dating , my mom has serve lung cancer that doesn't have a cure so I'v been kind of sad but it'll be ok , I just have been busy with everything but I'll be doing the game dead by daylight with gar , lordminion777, and patrckstatic so it'll be fun see you guy later " so we began unpacking and got finished at 4:49 so me and gar are going swimming in the back yard , I got my tribal bikini on and went outside waiting for gar so he came out and was about run me into the pool when I sidestepped and gar fell into the pool letting me tan , so I was watching gar attempt to do trick when he climbed on me leaning down then kissing me I kissed back but then he picked me up throwing me into the pool and saying " aww is little Sarah feeling hurt " I just sat down pouting cause I want more of the kiss so he came over to me and started kissing my neck then kissing my lips but left me confused on what we are , so we got down and I got dressed them I texted patrck ( p-patrck ,s-Sarah ) s-hey patrck its Sarah , I have a question ? P- Sarah wats up , s- I am really wondering if gar and I are a thing , If we're just just really really good friends or if gar likes me , p-Sarah  I don't honestly , but I can ask gar if you want , s- yea patrck that would be nice , p- alright bye , s- bye * end of conversation * so I went to tan in the sunroom so then I was tanning ,when it was night I went to my bedroom and then fell asleep in the bed , the next morning I ate a bagel with coffee then I decide to play dead by daylight, so I FaceTimed patrck and wade , and called gar saying " hey gar come over here " he went to his desk and I started my video " hey everyone it's game hacker Sarah and I am here with garuku blue moon , patrckstatic and lordminion777 and today we are playing dead by daylight " so I asked everyone whose the killer , gar said "I am" I said "crap everyone run for your life's " so the game loaded and I took off into the forest , when patrck came by and said " hi Sarah wats up " I said " I'm hiding from gar , I'v played this game with him , wade and mark and he always comes after me first or last for some reason" so I ran and patrck says "fuck off gar , fuck off gar " gar then says " patrck I will let you survive if you tell me where Sarah  is " patrck says "no why would I tell you where my beautiful Sarah is , I'm rooting for her " I then went to a closet and hide there until it was clear , so I ran and got a generator going so I was doing it when I heard wade say" psst Sarah  gars looking for you" I said " I know but he'll get me " I got it done and ran off somewhere but got stuck in a trap and saying" no I'm stuck " then I got out limping and said " thank you gar for hurting me " gar said in a deep scary voice " your welcome" I then heard wade get hung up , I said " psst wade , I'm coming to get you"so I was on my way to get Wade when patrck was dead , so I said " no not patrck he was only a child " so I got Wade down and he says " gar I gotta go but it was nice hanging out " gar ask " Wade did ms. Sarah  let you down" I then hid in a closet then I heard Wade die , Gar then said " Sarah , Sarah " I said " are you just gonna patronize me " Patrick said" the monster instead of just killing Sarah Just comes up behind her saying Sarah " Wade said " Sarah  I'm not here to kill you , I just watched your videos" gar says " hang on blade , I'll feed you with Sarah's  inner's " I said " no you won't " just then the neighbors were yelling , so I opened the window and yelled "SHUT UP" Wade said " I'm scared now" I said " my neighbors are driving me crazy "just then gar got me and I screamed " Noo I want to live , I must flee" so when gar dropped me I ran up the stair and rested , gar I guess turned around and said " where did Sarah  go " everyone laughed, then I said " my girls in pain " I then did a agonizing groan then said " she's crying " then I got the generator up and going and had got them all going and was trying to get the escape door up but then I got grabbed by gar , my phone went off and it was the hospital my mom was in so I told everyone "I have to take this call" ( Listen to the video now) ( d-doctor ,s-Sarah ) d-hey Sarah its Doctor Brad , I have some sad news to tell you , s- what is it , d- it's about your mom , s-what about my mom ,is she alright ,d-we don't know if she is okay ,s-what h-happened ,d-well earlier this morning her lungs got filled up with water and we got it out but about 9 hours after a nurse went to check on her and she didn't have a pulse , s- w-what are y-y-you saying doctor , d- your mom passed away at 6:59pm today ,s- w-what that can't be , I never got to say goodbye to her , d-I'm sorry Sarah I'm sorry for the loss of your mother ,s-thanks * end of phone call* I just broke down crying , I can't believe my mom is dead , I was just so sad that she's gone , I'v been crying so when I went inside gar asked "is everyone okay" so I sat down and said " everyone I'm sorry for my mood right now I just got very sad news about my mother , you see she had serve lung cancer which had no cure so she's been in a hospital all her life, but today earlier the doctor said " her lungs got filled with water *tears started coming down* but the doctors got the water out and the sad news is at 6:59 a nurse went to check on her but when the nurse checked the heart monitor was dead , no pulse not breathing so the called the time at 6:59pm today , the saddest part is all my life my mom was always there for me we never got to see my dad that much ever since she got the lung cancer my dad has been a workaholic not coming homing until holidays so I'v been living on my own and I never got to tell her goodbye ".

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