Chapter 3

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So patrck and I just got down filming my movie now I'm staying late to edit my movie while patrck goes hunting for Pokemon in the trail , after I got my movie edited burned it on a thousand CDs with the title on it so it could go in the stores , then I headed towards mine and gars apartment , when I got there it was a mess , gar was in the couch with Jax on the ground hissing, growling at gar so when i tried picking up Jax , he attacked my arm so I called my friend Jackson  (M-me,j-Jackson )m-hey Jackson it's Sarah  , I need help with me and my roommates cat , j- oh dear what happened ,m-i don't know but when I got home from one of my jobs our apartment was trashed with gar standing in the couch and Jax on the ground hissing and growling at gar so when I tried to pick Jax up he attacked my arms , j- ok I'll be there right away ,m-thanks Jackson i owe you,j-no problem * end of call* so I was waiting on the couch with gar when the door rang I got down and said "'hey Jackson , this is gar my roommate we've been living with each other for about a year and I just brought Jax and my Siamese cat ace yesterday , I brought Jax for gar as a gift cause he's always been there me , and I brought ace for me yesterday cause recently my mother passed away and I needed a pet companion and ace is really afraid of Jax ,ace comes out sometimes but then hides behind me or my desk ,Jackson said "wow where is ace right now " i said " he's over here "I took him him towards out cat room , Jackson said " wow is this your cat room " I said " yea I made the cat posts on the walls , I made everything in this room for both of the cats but when Jax is in here ace won't even go in but ace is in here now " I went and got ace from a cat perch then I explained "ace, he's very sweet and very nice to every one , he's just very scared of Jax , Jax has been violent with me and gar today , when Jax sees ace his eyes lock on ace while he starts growling " Jackson starts petting ace and sees the suffering that ace  scared and Jackson says" where's Jax " I said " I put him in a room where it's his space " I lead him to the room and open the door when i open the door ace goes in and Jax attacks ace so I step in and grab ace whose bleeding from his leg , I go out and bandage him when I come back Jackson asks" has this ever happened " I say" no it's usually growling and hissing "Jackson says " I'm gonna go in and see if what happens "  I say " ok "Jackson goes in the room and I see Jax is fully aware of the situation , I'm scared about what might happen , so Jackson says" hey there little guy " sticking his hand out and then that's when Jax scratches Jackson , Jackson comes out saying " yea I see the problem , Jax feels intimidated by ace " I say"how can we help Jax become less intimidated by ace" Jackson then gets a clicker and says " this is a way it's click-treat , you click the clicker and I'll give him a reward "  we do that and Jackson now says " i want you to go in there and try to pet Jax "  I said " ok" I go in there and sit next to Jax saying "hey Jax , there's no reason to be intimidated by ace " I reached my hand out and tried to pet Jax but he growled so I got the clicker and clicked giving him a treat trying to pet him , Jax let me pet him so Jackson says " now I want you to use that technique and see how that works out then tomorrow I wanna see where Jax and I stand " I say " bye Jackson "so then I start to recording a video when ace jump on my lap , i say " hello hackers it's Sarah and today I'm here with patrck,Dlive and entoan and we're playing the rake multiplayer so let's get started " entoan asks" Sarah  how are you and patrck doing " I say" we're good , just trying to find a house that we can both live in and find the right time " gar says " okay when were you guys planing on moving in together " patrck said"we were planing on moving in together when we were at the pax east cause we don't really see each other so I decided that if me and patrck move in then we can see each other more" when we were playing Dlive got attacked and entoan was lost so I was looking for entoan when the rake was following me , I screamed and patrck said "did you die Sarah " I said" yes I was trying to find entoan but the rake came on to me" so I was back when I gotta call from a client of mine ( I'm an attorney , realtor/construction) so I got up to take the call (j-Jacob,m-me) j-hey Sarah its Jack , I met you on one of your house jobs ,m-oh hey jack what can I do for you , j-I'm wanting a house but i don't know which house I want and I wanna re do my house ,m-yea i can come over and i'll look up some houses in your location area and i'll get back to you on that okay ,j-thanks Sarah ,m-no problem *end of call*  so i pulled up other laptop and said"sorry guys that was one of my many clients" so i was looking for houses when gar looked over asking "customer house looking " I said "yea" mark called me on Skype saying " hey Sarah Wade , me and jack want you too play prop hunt with us" I said " ok " then I Skype everyone and started my Intro "hello hackers it's Sarah and today I am playing with Wade , Bob and mark , say hi guys" the it was me and mark on a team vs Bob and Wade , mark says" yay I get Sarah " so I was being a traffic cone in the middle of street when Wade came by so I said " sir you need to obey the speed limit ,your going over the speed limit you need to slow down" mark and I were laughing when Bob and Wade won't looking I went to the the kitchen saying " Wade I would be carefully you have a wet spot in the kitchen " I heard him come so I ran upstairs ,and started singing the Freddie's lullaby but then Mark started singing the musical of five nights at Freddy's , I was sitting in a chair of the theater saying " this popcorn sucks , this movie is boring " Wade said " where is little Sarah " I say " where ever your not " so I went down stairs and outside to the pool swimming while singing just keep swimming just keep swimming , just then Wade says " hey why do we have a Freddy fazboy toy in the swimming pool" I said " what do you mean " so then I jumped out saying " hehe suckerers " tuning and I found patrck saying " hey pat what's  going on" patrck says " just chilling " we got shot so I did my outro " thank you guys for watching until the next video see ya" so then I got a call from jp (j-jp,M-me)j- hey Sarah me, Wade, molly and gar are going to San Diego beach and were wondering if you and patrck would like to come , M-yea we would love to go ,j-great I'll send you the flight and information,M-thanks jp,j-no problem Sarah *end of call * I said "patrck guess what " patrck said" what "I said " were going to San Diego with jp,Wade and molly " Patrck says" yay "so I pack everything like: vlogging equipment such as : video camera, stand ,charger ,head phones, laptop in one bag while my clothing is in another bag and I have a carry on bag with phone, books, headphones, movie player, snacks in it  ,so I got on my video camera here saying "hey hacker's it's Sarah this video isn't a gaming one ,it's more of a update video ,Patrck and I are going to San Diego with wade, molly, JP and gar ,so if you see us please feel free to come see us to say hi, give us gifts ,picture , or just give us a hug, everything you guys do for us is incredible so keep on smiling and keep hacking until the next video"  so then we were on the way to the airport and when we got there a tons of people rushed up to me saying they have gifts , I told them to send them to my PO box ,we got to our gate so me and molly went to get drinks ,I got a s'mores frappe and Patrck a Carmel frappe  when I got back I handed  patrck his frappe ,so I took out my camera saying "hello hackers it's Sarah and right now we're at the airport in our gate I have a s'mores frappe while patrck has a Carmel frappe ,we're just chatting about what's gonna go down during our panel ,exciting stuff but I'm not gonna tell you since it's gonna great time, that's it for this video until the next video bye "  so then I was editing when a mom and a little girl came up to me saying "hey I'm jenny and this is my daughter Hailey ,she's a big fan ,can she take a picture with you and have you sign her things, and she also has a gift for you" I  say "of course "so we take a picture I print it out and sign it ,my shirt merchandise ,phone case, and beanie , Hailey says" here Sarah ,also thank you for being there for me ,you always make me laugh smile when I'm down  or upset  ,I'm  just thankful that you started YouTube " I say "no problem sweetie  that's why I started YouTube ,my goal of my YouTube  career is to make people happy and laugh " she hugs me and then walks off with her mom then we we're on the plan on the way to pax east...

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