Christmas Eve

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Marinette walked down the street as she looked for the perfect gift for her parents. She looked though all the windows of every store she passed. She stopped at one store in particular.

"I wonder if Adrien would like this-" she paused. "I don't think I should get Adrien anything. I don't even know if he likes me." She mumbled to herself and started walking again.

Adrien walked out of the store Marinette was looking at. He saw her and slightly smiled as he tried to catch up to her. "Hey Marinette.." He looked at her. "Are you Christmas shopping?" He smiled and walked next to her.

"Yeah.. I am.. For my family." She looked at her bag, filled with things the had bought for her mother and father. Marinette stopped walking and sat down at a small little coffee shoppe.

Adrien followed.

"Do you maybe want to go shopping together? We can get each other something if you'd like. I've never really gotten anything for someone since I've been on 'house arrest' my whole life, ya know?" Adrien chuckled and sat next to Marinette with a small smile on his face.

Marinette blushed and looked down. "I-if you want to I guess we can. But I mean.. Only if you want to." She looked up at Adrien who was smiling at her as she smiled back. They walked into the store and looked at all of the different items.

Marinette came across a small cat plush that looked like a certain someone she knew. "I can decorate it and make it have its own personal touch." She gently picked it up with her small hands and softly smiled. "This is perfect." She went toward the cashier to go purchase the item as adrien peeked from over the shelves to try to get a glimpse of what she was buying.

Marinette looked over at him know that he was watching her and smiled. "I'm not telling you what it is, silly.." she paid for her present and quickly hid it inside the bag that she was carrying. "Fine, then I won't tell you what I'm getting" adrien said as he continued to browse for that special gift. "What would marinette like? It's gotta come from the heart." He shuffled around the isles and continued to look. "Maybe I should just make her something. She likes making things so maybe I should return the favor." He looked over at marinette and smiled. "I don't see anything here, maybe we can go to another store?" He smiled and walked over to her. " okay but only if you want to." She said as they both walked out of the small store and onto the next one.


(u_u) I'm such a bad author. I didn't update this book in forever!! I promise I'll make it up to everyone! I'm going to start writing a mystic messenger fan fiction so if you like that then keep an eye out for that!!

- usagi

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