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The Justice Building is a lot nicer than I expected. The room I'm in has two large leather love seats, with a medium crystal coffee table sat in the middle of them. Above the coffee table is a huge chandelier which is absolutely stunning. In the thick glossy wooden walls there are pictures carved into them. Like fish, and mermaids, and seaweed. Mostly everything to do with the ocean. I hear a door burst open and look over to see my mother, father, and a tear streaked Posy. I immediately feel guilt rise up in my stomach.
"Y-you told me you wouldn't be p-picked." Posy stutters clearly upset.
"I'm sorry Posy." I whisper as she crawls into my lap and cuddles into me.
"You have to come back." She cries.
"I will. For you. I still have to take you for that swim don't I?" I smile while rubbing her back, trying to calm her down. It looks as if it works a bit because she stops shaking and suppresses a slight smile. My mother and father walk over to me and I slowly put Posy down.
"Aeropostale. You have to win. I don't care what sacrifices you must make." My mother tells me sternly and I immediately start shaking my head.
"I don't want to turn something I'm not. I'm not going to go mad in the Games like Sawyer did."
"Your sister had a fighting chance. She had potential to win, and so do you Aero." My Father tells me gently.
"Please come home to us Aeropostale. We need you." My mother cries. Just then a door opens with a peace keeper standing there.
"Times up." He snaps gruffly.
"Please Aero come home to us. I can't live with you gone too." My mother balls and my father nods grabbing her hand.
"I love you all." I softly say.
"Come home to me Aeropostale." Posy whispers hugging my leg. "I love you." She also says and then walks out with my parents. I sit on the couch with tears streaming down my face. Just then the door bursts open and I see a wild looking Coral. Her hair in mats, and frizzy around her face, and tear streaks down her red face. How did that happen so quickly?
"You bitch. I was about to volunteer for you and you pushed me down!" Coral cries out.
"I'm not losing you, your one of the only people left I love." I whisper.
"You wouldn't have lost me! I could've won for you Aeropostale Michelle Colbee." She snaps.
"I wouldn't have allowed that. Imagine everything all the victors have to go through. Living with killing." I snap back.
"They have to do what they must. Please don't leave me hanging here. I can't do District Four without my partner in crime." Coral slowly smiles, the crazy attitude fading away.
"Like I told my parents, I'm not going in there and turning into a mini Sawyer. She went insane Coral. I can't end up like that." I say.
"You don't have to go crazy. You just have to defend yourself." She tells me.
"That's still killing." I snap. She clearly doesn't understand my way of thinking.
"It's the Hunger Games for Gods sake Aeropostale. One person is going to come out and it better as hell be you!" She screams.
"Your right. But I don't know if I can do it." I wine.
"Your acting weak. You better get your shit together before those Games come. Because if you keep this attitude up Aero your gonna be dead by the bloodbath. And I refuse to watch my best friend die on live television." She snaps again. But then a softer look overcomes her face and she raises her sleeve on the dress to show me her friendship bracelet that I made her when we're like five. I look over at my wrist to see the one she made me.
"You can do this Aeropostale. I believe in you." She kisses my cheek and walks to the door.
"And remember Aero. It's kill or be killed." she whispers gently and walks out.
Damnit. Why can't they just accept my death?They're all making it harder on myself and them. It would be so much easier if- my thoughts are interrupted as the door opens for the third time. I look over to see Caspian. Corals twin.
"Hey.. I'm really sorry this happened to you." He scratches his neck nervously.
"Me too." I sigh.
"It'll be okay. You can win you know. Your strong. Your beautiful. The Capitol are going to love you." He sighs.
"I can't win." I scoff and his smile falls. "There's going to be tributes way stronger than me. And I'm not turning into a killer."
"Don't think of it as killing.. Think of it as surviving." He tells me. I'm about to ask a question whenever he walks right Infront of me. "You can do this Aeropostale." He whispers and puts his hand on my cheek, and slowly he pulls me forward and our lips our touching. His lips taste of the sea. But all to soon it's over. "Think about it." His sea green eyes pierce into mine. Then he's walking out leaving me feeling confused and upset.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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