// chapter six //

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songs for the chapter-

from eden- hozier

5am- amber run


"I'll have that right out," I said while giving the customers as convincing of a smile I could give.

It is Sunday morning and we have been totally slammed. It's the one time of the week that we actually have to run our asses off to get to everyone. Well, I do at least. Plus, Mario hates me which is why he stuck me as the only waitress for our only busy shift.

It was around two o'clock when everything died down. I could finally sit down and I immediately pulled off my old and torn up black tennis shoes. There's a piece of plastic in the heel that sticks out and rubs against the back of my heel, making it bleed during shifts like this.

I hear the bell ring, signalling a customer just came in. "Shit," I mumbled to myself, pulling my bloody sock back over my heal and trying to slip my shoes on quickly. "I'll be right with you!"

"It's just me, Lil." I hear Marina's voice and sigh in relief. Thank god she's finally here to relieve me for my break. I'm scheduled to work until ten tonight, but I'll take any break I can get.

"Oh god, you have no idea how happy I am to see you." I stand up and wrap my arms around her.

"Oh god, Lily, you still have eight hours left and you already smell," she laughs, making me laugh as well. I hated this job because you always smell like crap from being in the kitchen all day.

"I know, I'm only fucking halfway done. I'm literally going to slit Mario's throat if he schedules me for one more double shift I swear to god."

Me and Marina made small talk for a little while. There are no customers in here besides and old man that has been sitting alone and reading the paper for at least an hour.

"So, hey, what's up with Matty? Did you end up talking to him after he slept over that night?" Damn. I was really hoping she forgot all about what I told her before. I honestly wish I could forget all about it, too.

"Yeah, I did. But I haven't seen him or talked to him since then."

"Seriously? That was almost a week ago."

"I know."

I sat for a moment and thought about all she was asking me. Marina knows how I am about talking about my problems and she never asks and just waits for me to come to her with something. She's always really respected my privacy with these things, so why isn't she now?

"Hey, is there a reason you're asking me about all of this? It's really out of character for you." I laughed a little and looked up at her from where I was sitting.

"Um, well yeah. A little..." She sighs. I bet I can guess why.

"He talked to you, didn't he?"

"He just was wondering why you've been avoiding him!" She defends. I groan and put my head in my hands. Of course he talked to her. He just couldn't bare to leave me alone. "Just tell me, Lil. Why did you cut him out? You guys were getting really close and I thought I saw something developing there." Her voice softens a little as she sits next to me on the bench.

"Yeah, that's the problem. I don't need this again, Marina, I don't. I'm not doing it again."

"What makes you think this will at all be like the last time? You haven't even given him a chance-"

"Yeah, and I'm not planning on it." I don't want to waste my time and go through this shit again. Unlike many others. I actually like being on my own. I thrive on independence and don't need another person trying to hold me down again.

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