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Jieun's POV

I crawl on Minwoo's bed, lie ther, hugging his favourite doll. My tears start to pour but i quickly wipe it.

I have to be strong, for my parents, for my friends and for Minwoo...

My mind is filled with the memories of us and slowly it drifted me to sleep.
I wake up by the sound of someone, knocking at the door violently. I look at the clock and frown. It's almost midnight. I slowly get up from Minwoo's bed and head to the front door. I hesitate to open it. Of course, anybody in the world would hesitate to open the door. It's freaking midnight and, and....

What if it's robbery? Or worst, ghost??

I shook my head. Robber and ghost wouldn't knock at the door like this, right?
So i slowly open the door and end up being pulled into someone's embrace.

This scent....
It's Kris.

"Kris, what are you doing here? It's almost midnight..."

"I'm sorry, Jieun. I'm sorry." He break the hug and i can see his red eyes.

"I'm so sorry for not believing you. I'm sorry for giving you so much trouble, i'm s-..."

"Kris, that's enough." I cut him off. I have forgive him long time ago and i just need him right here, beside me.

"I understand if you can't forgive me. I'm sorry for disturbing you." He bow and turn around.

Wait? What's happening?

"Kris!" I grab his arm and that made him turn back to me but he still look down on the ground.

"Kris, you don't have to say sorry. I already forgive you." He look up and confuse is all over his face.

"Come in first, it's cold outside."
"What did you say?" He ask me coldly.

"I'm sorry i didn't tell you."


"I didn't tell you because you were angry at me back then. I just don't want you to..." he hug me tightly this time.

"I don't understand why you can get those damn scholarship. You're such an idiot you know that?" He release the hug and wipe my tears that unknowingly roll down to my cheeks.

"Hey, i remember something, wait here, okay?" I nod and head out from my apartment.

5 minutes later he came back with a familiar box in his hand.

"Is that..." i can't continue my question because i know that box.

"Yes, it's from Minwoo."

And i can feel tears filling my eyes.
Kris's POV

We both open the box and there's a bracelet. The same one with Jieun's but it's in black. And there's a letter in it.

I open and read it.

"Kris hyung, annyeong! It's me Minwoo.
I know that we just know each other for a days but i know that you are the one for my sister.
Can you please take care of her when i'm not there with her?
Don't make her cry because she's been through a lot of hard time.
And i hope that you can love her as much as i love her.
And i love you too, hyung! :)

P.S i made this exact same looking bracelet woth my sister, consider it as a couple bracelet ;D

Love, Minwoo

I can hear Jieun sobbing beside me. I put my arm around her and kiss her head.

"Don't cry, okay?" But i can still her sobbing.

"Please don't cry. Minwoo won't like it." She pull herself and sit up. She us her hand to wipe her tears.

"You're right. Minwoo won't like it to see me cry like this." She smile a little.

"Yeah, you're such a crybaby, you know that?" And she glare at me.

"It's because of you!" She slap my arm. "You are the one who made me cry!" She slap my arm again and i let her do that while i secretly wear the bracelet that Minwoo gave.

"It's beautiful." I said and she stop slapping my arm and i swear i can see her blush. That's made me want to tease her.

"The bracelet." I lift my left hand to show her the bracelet. "It's beautiful isn't it." I grin.

"You!" She lift her hand to slap my arm and before she can do that, i caught her hand first.

"You are beautiful too Jieun, happy now?" I tease her more and she just pout and it's cute.

"I swear you are the most annoying person in the world, Kris."

Kris Wu, You Are Annoying! (Kris FF)Where stories live. Discover now