Tinder and Unicorns

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Winter's POV

" Hey Static, we should set Rasa on a blind date. He needs a girlfriend", I tell Static one day.

" Yeah Rasa needs a girlfriend. We shouldn't do a blind date though that'd be rude", Static said.

" Have him hit up some ladies on tinder"! I exclaim.

" YES!! RASA!! GET YOUR HUGE BUTT IN HERE"!! Static yelled and I burst into laughter.

Rasa then walks in.

" What do you want"? He asks.

" Ever heard of the app called tinder"? I ask and he nods.

" Well, it's time for you to hit up on some ladies and get a girlfriend"! I exclaimed and I think he lost his mind.

" What? No! I'm not hitting up on random strangers! You got problems man! What's wrong with you"?

" Well, we've been planning this for a while", Lima adds.

" You've planned to do this too Lima"? Rasa asks her and she comes up with the most hilarious comeback.

" Look at the sky! It's full of pink fluffy unicorns"! Lima then ran away and hid I don't know where.

OMG! That left Rasa concerned!!😂😂😂😂 FUNNIEST MOMENT EVER!!! HELP ME!! I'M DYING!! 😂😂😂😂

" Like damn! This lady is the sexy one yet! Let's hit her up"! Static continued and showed Rasa the woman.

" No! I'm out"! Rasa exclaims.

Static and I were laughing our heads off!!

We stopped after a while and I asked Static of she could spend the night in my crew room. I just hope Noel wouldn't mind if I made a lot of noise because we will be forcing Rasa to be hitting up women on tinder. We're not gonna stop you know!!!

" Wanna spend the night in my room"? I ask.

" Sure"! Static replies.

(Time Skip)

" Okay, let's face time Rasa and see if he will hit up ladies again", I say as I call Rasa.

" Hello"? He starts up.

" Hey Rasa, wanna hit up some ladies again"? I ask and it was now Static's turn to burst into laughter.

" Really? No! I said this before and I'm gonna say it again, I'm not gonna hit up on random strangers", Rasa replies and with that being said, we kept begging him until he gave up.

" FINE! I'll do it"!

As Rasa was hitting up on the girls, Static and I were laughing so hard that we fell off my bed, woke up Noel, we cried, and our sides hurt.

DAMN! Rasa knows how to hit up on ladies. He was saying stuff like," DAMN THAT WOMAN GOT A SEXY BODY"! or stuff like, "DAMN SHE IS MY TO GO GIRL"!! He didn't get a girlfriend for that which was the funniest part about this whole Rasa and tinder thing.

Another thing we did with Rasa was disturb him with the pink fluffy unicorn song which lasted for 10 hours.

Here is the video!

He only could handle a few minutes of it, and then he told us to turn it off and we said no which got him extremely pissed! Oh boy, it wasn't even funny!

Now, we are running away from Rasa and trying to find another crew room to hide in until Rasa gives up. He probably won't give up, because you know who he is.

We decided to hide in Static's room until further notice.

- Wassup! It's Winter! This is an opening to the funny stories with Static_Electro. Our stories will be short most of the time because I lazy! Jk I'm not! Thanks Static_Electro for doing this collab with me and thanks SorayaJoya and DCPOODLEXX for helping me out even though I haven't got any ideas from you yet. I came up with this chapter on my own so yeah. See ya!

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