Title: He's irreplaceable (A Jonas and Bieber love story)chappie 18

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chapter 18: Tashana's birthday party.

now that we were finally home  we all went inside our bedrooms  i  changed into something  more casual   and took out the necklace that i bought (BTW) the necklace was'nt for me its was for Tashana  today is her birthday   its Saturday February 15  her fourth birthday  i  wrapped the hob long box in  a sheet of her favourite   actress  Hannah Montana wrapping paper   soon i was finish  i  went back downstairs and started clearing up the living room "Auntie Jane"!! i yelled"

"hello Latonya"! she yell back  i'm coming  she said  shortly after she was in the living room with me "i need your help Auntie Jane i said "  "OK and with what would that be now  she ask"? "i know that  this is  such short notice  but today is Tashana's birthday  i wan't to give  her a great party one she will remember always   but the thing is this none of us did'nt remember to get  the cake  today  and i don't even think the girls remember that today is Tasha's birthday either   so  please  could you bake a cake  for  her please"? i  said  practically begging her "of course  i will  and you can go and finish putting up the streamers" she said so i left 

and went  upstairs and called both Tara and Sharon  to come and help me finish decorating  downstairs so now it was all three of us was putting up the streamers  but in a short while we were finish   but  somethings was still missing from the party   like party hats for instance  but that was'nt a problem cause a store  down the road from Auntie Jane's house  sell all those things so  we could go there and  buy  them before the birthday princess return "Tara,Sharon come on lets go get some party stuff from the store down the road  from here" i said "OK   we'll soon be back Jane " Tara said "OK then "Auntie Jane reply "

so  we left  and walk to the store   soon we arrived there we enter the store   "hello  good day" we all greeted the clerk  "do you sell party stuff like party hats,candles  and  party whistles  " yes of course we do " he answered  he  was wearing a turban i know he's Indian  he look's really young like 20-23 years old  so i thank him and walk off into one of the isle of the shop  i found candles  and party hats then i walk in another isle i took up a case of can cokes  and two large bottle of diet coke   the candles  were blue and orange stripes.

I   pick up two bags of cocktail sausages  and  some cheddar cheese  and four large bag of sweets  too  but i could'nt find the party whistles  so we just left that it won't kill Tashana to know that i could'nt find any to buy   now i walk back to the clerk to get my things cash  then i remember  Tara and Sharon  had  to come to get  the things that they picked up as well cash at the same time as me cause i was paying for the things with my card  "hey Tara , Sharon "!! i shout "hey we are coming now"! they yelled back soon they were  standing  by me  they pick up the  drinks for the adults like the wine,beers and other things for the adults too   and each bought Tasha a present this time  they bought condoms for what and who i don't know  after the clerk cash everything together  "and that  would be  two hundred and 89 dollars and 49 cents please" he said  "and here you go i said while handing him my credit card   he took the money  from my card and then hand it back to me 

"bye bye we all said then walk back home now we were  home again all three of us got to work   me and Sharon decorated the  long dining table while Tara  was  putting the cocktail sausage on the stick with cheese,ham and pineapple and Auntie Jane made punch and put it on the table  then when we were finish decorating the table with sweets and the other stuff too Auntie Jane brought over the cake that she bake for Tasha but it was covered  and she would'nt let any of us see it  so we just get on with everything else i open the case of can cokes and put them in the fridge to keep cool  now we were finish so i went to my bedroom and took my shower  after i was finish i got dress into one of my  favourite party dress  that's  my white and purple strapless  corset dress above the knees   i blow dried my hair  and put some curls in there  and and wear it down  then i apply some lip gloss to my lips i put on my black stiletto heels   now i was finish getting dress  i went downstairs  i  sat on the  balcony  with my eyes closed but then i heard a car drove up in the driveway and to my surprise it was  Justin's car he and Tashana came back   so i got up  off the chair "mom"!! Tasha yelled while she run  up  the steps to the balcony she gave me a huge hug "i missed you today mommy" she slowly whispered in my ears  after we pull away  i look at her and saw  that she was dressed in a beautiful pink lace and sequence dress and her  hair was comb neatly  " Tasha who  dress you  in such a beautiful dress  and comb your hair so neatly"?  i ask  " Nan did  daddy's mommy  Patti" she reply  "that sweet of her did you thank her"? i ask   "yes i did  she reply.

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