Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

He looked at her through the glass window of the BAU. When he saw the rush of blonde hair rush pass each desk handing out files he felt sick to his stomach. His nose flared and he had to fight himself not to walk right into the office and do something that he would probably regret. Today was not the day to do it he told himself. In due time. He felt some pain in the palm of his hand and he noticed that he was balling his fists so hard that his nails began to cut into his flesh. He let out a deep breath and forced himself to walk away. Today was not the day to kill Jennifer Jareau.

JJ left the BAU that day feeling exceptionally good. The team had saved two victims, and had the unsub in custody. She was in the car and needed to stop by the gas station before her car stopped and left her stranded. She had barely made it to the gas station when the gas light popped on. She silently celebrated her minor victory. I've got to do better she thought. JJ went into the gas station and paid for her gas and was soon on her way.

He watched her from a far in his rusted old pick up truck. God she thought she was so innocent , he knew she did. He would soon take that ignorance away from her. He hoped his little plan worked out for the best. Until then he would just have to wait. Damn he thought as he punched the steering wheel.

JJ started to feel something was wrong with her car. It jerked and sputtered until it came to a stop. This can not be happening she said out loud. She ran her fingers through her hair and laid her head down on the steering wheel. All she wanted to do was get home, lay in her bed, and drift off to sleep. After five long minutes of laying there she reached for her cell phone. She switched it on and it shut right off. It was dead. She rolled her eyes, could her night get any worse?

He saw that his plan was working he laughed to himself. She has absolutely no knowledge about cars. All he had to do was drive right up and she would come crawling, piece of cake. He started his engine and headed her way.

JJ could see a car, or was it a truck coming. She didn't know, she would see when it came closer. As it approached she could now see that it was a truck, a pick-up truck at that. A thankful smile creepped across her face. Maybe the driver would see her car pulled over and stop. She was wrong. The man who was the driver looked right at her and kept driving. She couldn't believe it. JJ got out of her car and yelled down the street for him to come back. The truck slowed to a stop and then reversed. She let out a sigh of relief.

He knew she would do that. She was desperate of course she would. She still needed him, she always will. He reversed and pulled up to her. She looked into the window and started talking a mile a minute. He put his hand up to silently hush her. Then he slowly got out of he truck.

JJ finally got her point across to the driver of the truck. Her car had just simply stopped. So can you help she asked him. JJ had noticed his glare as soon as he got out of the car. Why did he seem so angry. Despite the angry look on his face she forced herself to keep a smile on her face. He took several steps closer to her and she backed up. A weird smile crepped across his face and she suddenly regretted stopping his truck. He was so close to her face that she could smell his sour breath when he said "yes ma'am I believe I can" She flinched a little when he brought his hand up, but soon realized he was only reaching behind her toward the hood of the car. She forced a nervous smile and side stepped to gain some personal space back. He had to get inside of the car do something he told her. He was done with the car in the matter of two minutes. JJ was grateful for that. She asked him how much did she owe him and he simply waved her off and said it was on the house. JJ got in her car and breathed a sigh of relief. Tonight had been very interesting she thought.

He was so happy that his plan worked to his advantage. He was glad that he had rigged the engine to slowly shut off. He laughed a horrible haunted laugh. He was ecstatic that he had got the chance to make a copy of her house key imprint. He would go right to a store and get her key made. This was all the easy part, he couldn't wait 'til the end.

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