Chapter 8

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JJ stood in the bathroom at Brent house. He had told her that she stinks Maybe because he had her laying on a cold basement floor for days she thought. The bathroom was filthy. The bathtub had a dirt ring around it so thick that the only semi-white part on it was the outside . JJ knew that he was on the other side of the door listening, waiting on her to try and make an escape through the tiny window that was in the bathroom. If she even tried she couldn't fit through it. JJ went and turned on the water for the shower because she refused to take a bath in that. Maybe a hot shower would take her away from all of this if only for a minute or two. Her dreams were crushed. The water was so cold that it sent a shocking pain up her arm when she touched it. JJ assumed he already knew of this problem and was enjoying every minute of it. She turned and made sure that the bathroom door was locked and began taking her clothes off. She felt the cold of the water before she even stepped into the shower. It took her several tries to get into the freezing water. She hurried and grabbed the towel and body wash that he had given her before coming upstairs. She was not planning on staying in very long. She quickly washed her whole body and turned off the bone chattering water. When she stepped out of the shower she noticed a dry towel, shampoo, and conditioner that hadn't been there before. When did he come in? Did he see her naked? She thought. The thought of that made her shudder, but the thought of going back into the freezing water to lather rinse and repeat made her shiver more. JJ wrapped the towel around her and found a brand new toothbrush and toothpaste on the sink. She brushed her teeth and headed for the door. Brent opened it and looked in. " you haven't used the shampoo" he said " the water is too cold" JJ responded. " use the damn shampoo, be grateful for things you have because they can easily be taken away." although JJ knew that there was a deeper meaning to this JJ said " okay take it away, I don't want it" Brent gave her a look and she quickly closed the door .JJ turned back on the water and stepped in once again. This time she shampooed and conditioned her hair. She also used this time to cry. This wasn't the panicky type of cry, but the cry that symbolized "what have I gotten myself into" She was crying really hard. After she was done washing her hair she stepped out. She looked into the mirror and what she saw scared her. Her lips were a sickly blue and the gash on her forehead looked infected. She looked around for some alcohol or peroxide but found none. She wrapped herself in the towel once again and opened the door. Once again he was there. He looked her over "you look nice" he said. "what am I supposed to wear, its not like I packed for this little vacation" JJ spat. Brent laughed "good sense of humor, your clothes are on the bed." JJ scooted passed him toward the room where he was pointing. There they were right where he said they were. She assumed that they were his wives. "i cant put those on." JJ declared. "sure you can" Brent said. "let me rephrase that, I wont put them on" JJ said bravely. Brent stared at JJ clearly confused. He laughed. JJ stared back still holding the towel. Five minutes later JJ stood in the bedroom alone and had on the clothes. She looked around the room. This was the only room that was remotely clean. She quickly went to one of the windows, and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. She was locked in. She began searching for things, anything that would help her situation. She could barely think because she was so hungry and thirsty. She searched everywhere. Nothing. The last place to loo was the closet. She searched every pocket of every shirt, jacket shorts and pants. She finally found something. A cell phone. She thanked every god that was out there. She heard the floor boards squeak and hurried to check the battery and put the phone on silent. She stashed the phone in her bra. When Brent opened the door JJ was staring at a picture of Brent's family. "what you couldn't knock?" she asked. "its my house" Brent responded. He walked over and snatched the picture frame from JJS hand and sat it back down making sure it was perfectly positioned. "i got you some food" he stated. JJ was so glad to hear this news she didn't care what kind it was she was gonna eat it. "thanks"

JJ sat at the table eating a chicken salad while Brent sat in the living room drinking beer and watching a football game. Every few minutes JJ would hear him yell at the TV for a bogus play a team did. "i need to use the bathroom" JJ yelled loud enough so that he could hear her over the TV "who's stopping you" was his response. He knew that she wasn't going anywhere. There was no way out. The only door leading to the outside world was 10 feet away from him in the living room. JJ went to the upstairs bathroom. When she got inside she quietly locked the door. She pulled the phone out and checked the battery 80%. She quickly dialed Emily's number.

The team was working themselves into the ground trying to find JJ. None of them ever went home until their eyes were bloodshot red and they couldn't stay up. Especially Garcia. She spent hours on the computer looking into JJ's background , but found nothing. Emily was sitting in the break room thinking and drinking coffee when she heard her phone ring. She didn't feel like talking to anyone so she just let the phone go to voice mail. Her phone rang again this time she looked at the number it was an unknown number. Probably just some telemarketer. Again she let it go to voice mail. When her phone rang the third time she answered on the first ring. "hello" she said dryly. She heard JJ's voice on the other end. " Emily?" JJ was crying. "JJ! What happened? Are you okay? Where are you?" Emily asked as she stood up shocked. She thought she would never hear her voice again. "i'm okay, you have to help me Emily" JJ said through sobs. " I will, just tell me where you are" Emily was starting to panic " I don't know! He has everything locked I cant get out!" JJ was sobbing harder now. "calm down JJ who is he? Who took you?" Emily didn't hear a response for a while "JJ!" Emily yelled. JJ was whispering now "wait I think hes coming" "who JJ? Who's coming?" Emily asked there was more silence then a loud noise. Emily didn't know what was going . "hello?" was the only thing Emily could think to say. JJ began screaming that she was sorry and the phone sounded like it was fumbling around. Emily's heart raced but she managed to stay on the phone. She heard a mans voice say "i told you that you were gonna learn to respect me" Still the only words that Emily could say was "Hello?" "why hello" the mans voice said. Emily finally spit out some words "wheres JJ" "oh shes here" he responded " I swear if you hurt her" Emily started "say goodbye to your little friend JJ" he interrupted "goodbye" JJ said. Then the dial tone came. Emily's heart broke when she heard those words. They sounded so permanent.

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