Dates and Funerals

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"Oh my gosh, he said that?!" Jess gasped as she read me and Red's conversation. I nodded. She looked up at me with her eyes round. "Oh my gosh! And you're going on a date tomorrow-." Jess paused as her phone rang. "'s Jennifer." she said as she put the phone up to her ear. I raised my eyebrow.

She put her hand over her mouth. She started crying. "Jess, are you alright?" I screeched putting my arm around her comforting her. She motioned me to keep quiet as she wiped away the tears. "Yes, I'll be there, thank you." Jess hung up the phone. "What's the matter?!" I yelled at her once again. She sniffed. "Jennifer's sister, Samantha died." she whispered.

I frowned. I didn't know Jennifer or Samantha, but Jess did. "When's the visitation?" I asked rubbing Jess's back. "It's tomorrow."

I nodded. While I go on a date with Red, she'll be crying her eyes out.

Wait's not a date. Oh SHUTUP!


I sat on the couch, watching tv. Jess had already gone. I said I'd go with her, but she said my date was too important to miss.

It's a FUNERAL! How is a date more important? Well it is Red- BLESSING BE QUIET!

I suddenly got a knock on the door. I opened the door to see Red, standing proudly, smiling at me. "These are for you, m'lady." he said as he pulled out a bouquet of flowers. "Oh they're beautiful!" I gasped. Red giggled. I put the flowers in the kitchen quickly and ran back outside. He held out his arm for me to take it. Oh, what a gentleman.

Sorry about the long wait guys! I've been SUPER busy this past week. Expect more coming!

Red and Blue (Redvacktor x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang