I hate love

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Hi I'm Hailey I live in New York with my 2 sisters and my mom and dad I'm 17. I just received a scholarship to Harvard and I'm moving in two weeks to live with my best friend so far things are going great and I've been in a relationship with my fiancé for 5 years .

Did you buy that? Let's cut the crap and let's just say my name is ... Jane and by the title your probably thinking why does she hate love, or you couldn't care less of my hatred for this emotion and your exiting this page cause you think I'm boring. Honestly I don't blame you. BUT if you think I'm worth reading, cool beans. Let's start over I'm Jane I'm 16 and I'm single (no surprise there) I'm not a straight a student but I'm not a c student either. I'm not a tomboy but I'm not a beauty queen or a nerd guess I'm my own stereotypical label.OOH I'll call my label plain cause I'm not very exciting, God wth am I doing with my life? Don't answer that actually. I think that's all the info you need to know for now...
Back to the subject of love.
"I don't think You hate love I think your just confused with your emotions ." That's what my mom always says thanks for the advice mom.This is Like when she tried explaining what puberty was,(shudder)
Anyway I'm going to explain why I hate love in the next chapter and your reaction might be good or bad but I literally couldn't give a damn.
I lied I actually think you should read it you might be surprised or you might not whatever .(tries to play it cool but trips.)

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