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Life is weird...life is strange...without him...Eren. I sat on the swing, tied to a tree that allowed me to see the clear blue sky.
Wait to go Mika! You are depressed sitting on a swing thinking about how many problems you have in your life especially on your day off!
"What am I going to do...there's nothing I really can do..." I mumbled to myself keeping my eyes glued to the grass floor.
"MIIIIKKKAAASSSSAAAA!!!!" I quickly lifted my head towards the direction of the voice. Alina.
"Hey Alin-" she smacked the back of my head with the daily newspaper.
"YOU IDIOT! HOW COULD YOU LET EREN GET AWAY!!" She yelled stilling smacking me with the daily newspaper.
Before she could whack me one more time with the newspaper I grabbed a hold of it.
Alina sighed, "I know what happened..." She crossed her arms holding the newspaper in her hand.
"Yeah and-"
"And I know who blamed you for murder." She held the newspaper.
I stared at it still raveled, "Your not going to hit me with it, are you?" I beamed my eyes at her purple eyes.
"Just take it!" She shoved it in my arms.
I took it and unraveled the paper.


Those big bold words said everything, Jean wanted to find me and take me back. My eyes widen as I continued reading the article

Local Police officer Jean Krisjten was caught by Deputy Prime Minister of Mikasa Krisjten missing whereabouts. For Krisjten's crimes, he was fired and going into court in Friday July 5

He's coming after me...? No. He's going into court and he has no idea where I am. "Alina I-"
"Have to show Eren! Go get em' tiger." She smirks. I quickly stand up and hug Alina, "Thank you so much Alina!" I ran towards Eren.
"Things are looking up!" I yelled into the sky laughing with joy.


I clenched the necklace I gave Mikasa tightly in my hands running from court. Sweat trickled down my face as well as tears. I jumped into the car turning on the engine.
"I have to find her!" I clenched the necklace in my hand using the other to drive.
"Where would she be...?" I noticed the radio was saying something about an Ackerman. I turned the volume higher.
"Mikasa Ackerman or Krisjten is now peacefully in the town of Kuisichi."

I started laughing. "OF COURSE IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!!" I laughed slamming my hands against the wheel.
"It all...makes sense now..." I chuckled.
I placed the necklace as a chain over the mirror.
"I'm coming my precious!" I laughed driving towards little Kuisichi.


"EREN! EREN!" I yelled running into his shop. Eren ignored me lifting up his newspaper pretending to read it. Right as if he likes to read.
"Eren please listen to me! I have proof I'm not a murderer!" I held it up.
Tears were in my eyes fearing I will lose him.
The twins looked away from me.
"Not you too..." I murmured under my breath.
"Please Eren!" I stepped closer towards the counter. Still ignoring me.
"Eren...I know this all seems bad, but I promise you that I'm not a murderer...I'm sorry I made you fight for me, I'm sorry from where we first met that I slapped you, Im so weak...I'm sorry...IM SORRY EREN!" I bowed with tears falling on to the floor.
"I'm so so sorry...I don't deserve to be forgiven..." Tears kept pouring out of my eyes.
I don't deserve to be forgiven...I'm weak...that's why I ran away...because I'm weak...and I'm scared...
I suddenly felt arms wrap around me.
I didn't need to look up to know who it was...it was Eren.
"It's okay." I cried more, why is he forgiving me??!
"Shhh.." He nurtured me hugging me even tighter. He put his lips close to my ear.
"If you don't stop crying..I..I won't be able to kiss you." My eyes widen as I looked up discovering Eren's lips crashed into mine.
I kissed back enjoying my moments in paradise.
We we split he gripped me in a tight hug.
"I love you Mikasa, with all my heart." He hugged me tighter, "I should be apologizing because I wouldn't listen to you, I threw the flyer in your face, for being rude, and not believing you...." He buried his head in my shoulder, holding me tighter.
"Let's both smile in the rain together..." Eren pulled me closer to him.
"Smile in the rain...?"
"Smile through dark times together, because we'll make it through..."

ErenXMikasa Smiling in the rainWhere stories live. Discover now