Long day Part 1

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Sarahs POV :
Today I had to work all day and so did Theo we have been dating for 2 years now and I had just got home when I open the door there stood my amazing boyfriend. As I walk in I smell something it smelled like candles and food. As I walk into the kitchen there was a beautiful looking dinner there at the table. With candles around it.

I look at him and asked "what is all of this?" "Well I now you had a long day at work and I wanted you to relax when you got home so I made dinner." He said. He was such an amazing boyfriend what would I do without him. "Let's eat I am starving and this looks good!" I said because I love food.

As we where eating he looked so nervous I wonder why. When we where done I went and changed as he put a movie in so we could watch and cuddle. When I went back down stairs he was sitting on the couch with blankets. The rest of the night we watched movies.

So this is my first imagine hope you like it um yeah. Thanks for reading

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