A Burning

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The next day Sarah went shopping for food after which she passed by the church house. A large crowd gathered outside stoking her curiosity. Gatherings were rare in Salem. Approaching the crowd, she nearly bumped into Mr. Peters leaving his office. He gave her no regard other than a nod then turned to the opposite direction.

On the church house step stood a woman, gagged, wearing a black dress with white trim. It was torn about the sleeves and covered in dirt. Two men, Mr. Johnson and Mr. White, held her arms, escorting her toward the town center.

Sarah drew closer. It was Martha Smith, an eccentric but kind woman. What had she done to deserve such treatment? Perhaps she had committed adultery.

The crowd surrounded Martha while Misters Johnson and White knelt her down and stacked kindling around her. The pastor read versus from the bible, barely loud enough for any to hear.

"Why is she gagged?" Sarah asked an onlooker.

"So the witch can't cast a spell on us."

A witch? What an absurdity. Martha was odd enough, but not a witch. Sarah wanted to save her, help her escape. But the crowd wanted a show and making any attempt to deny them that would land her in the fire with Martha. It'd be like taking a bone from a wolf. Still she couldn't in good conscious sit by and watch without objection.

"You mustn't do this." Sarah yelled. "How can you take her life?"

The pastor looked up from the good book and pointed at Sarah signaling Mr. Johnson.

"Has she possessed your mind?" Mr. Johnson asked. "We must get you away, before she captures your soul and drags it down to hell with her."

He escorted Sarah away from the view, but not far enough to hear the horrific sounds that followed, screeching and screaming—inhuman sounds. Perhaps she was a witch after all.

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