Sunday Service

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The steeple of the white chapel pointed upwards at the heavens and the sun. Sarah had considered not going to church or faking ill, but her conscience encouraged her otherwise. Peace overtook her mind when she entered the reverent hall, her children tailing behind.

For one hour she could relax from the worries and cares of her life. She could think on holiness and the virtues of God while pretending her stomach did not ache from hunger.

She came because she was good. She came because she ought to and she wanted to set an example for the children lest they swayed from truth. But she also came so she could avoid the rumors and backbiting that would occur in her absence. The Goodmans sat near the front.

After a prayer and a joyful song, the pastor began his sermon.

"Evil is upon us." The pastor slammed his fists onto the pulpit. "Here me good people of Salem, I have seen this in a dream. God will purge the evil from our midst. He will condemn those that seek to do the devil's work. And yes, there are those amongst us that do his bidding." The pastor paused and pointed into the audience. "There are some even in this very room that are helping that old serpent Lucifer, the father of lies, the father of all evil, whilst they sing with us, and pray with us, and worship with us the almighty Lord, Jesus Christ."

Folks in the congregation looked around.

"I'll bet it's her," someone behind Sarah whispered. They were certainly talking about her. Dare she turn around? Did they know of her relations with Mr. Peters?

The pastor continued his finger pointing and hollering, "God will punish you for your sins, if you do not repent. If you have suffered, it is because of your unwillingness to serve the only true God. You must repent of your ways or spend the eternities, damned to suffer misery and torment for the entirety of your existence. God is just. He does not tolerate..."

Sarah tried to listen to the sermon, but her mind focused on the noise to her back.

"Just look at her family," said the same whisperer as before. "The children all dirty. How can they worship in those rags?"

"Wolves in sheep's clothing," whispered another.

Sarah began to sweat and breath heavily. Her hands tightened in her lap.

"Ay, and her unfortunate husband," whispered the first. "Why would God take him away if she were a righteous woman?"

"How dare you!" Sarah shouted as she rose and turned around. The whispers belonged to Mrs. Peters and Mrs. White.

"How dare you," she said again. "Why do you spew this vile? I will not sit here another moment and be condemned by the likes of you."

"Madam, please sit down," the pastor said.

"Why don't you sit down, Reverend," she said. "You speak of condemnation. Didn't Christ condemn the accusers at the well and forgive the woman?"

She paused to breathe; her chest swelled and tears formed in her eyes. She sat down and sobbed. Whispers grew to mumblings round about her.

"Brethren, let us settle ourselves," the pastor said. "This is a house of God." He paused until a hush overcame the congregation. Even Sarah restrained her crying.

The pastor broke the silence. "Recall when the unclean spirit was cast out from the man. It pled with Jesus to not be sent away. And when it was cast out it cursed and wailed until it found refuge in a heard of swine. But those pigs, knowing of the evil that possessed them, drowned themselves at sea. So shall we brethren, purge ourselves of all ungodliness, and rid our town of the evil in our midst, regardless of the cost. And be weary, with watchful eyes, of the evil spreading amongst us."

Sarah rose, motioned to her children to follow, and left.

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