Craigs journal 2/17/20

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Yeah hi it's me. You're probably thinking, "why the hell does Craig Tucker think we care about his problems?" Well I'll tell you. Because you care about Tweeks. So I'm sure if you care about that little dork you'll care about what I have to say on the whole thing. Now you're probably thinking "How the hell does he know about this?" And to which I have to say how wouldn't I know? The boy put it on social media for everyone to see so while I was scrolling through his page and stalking him as usual (yeah ah don't tell him I do that) I came across this section called journals and when I saw my name I basically just had to read it. So to you Tweek I just want to say something. I wish I didn't have to leave you. I wish I didn't move away. I wish I hadn't of done those things to myself and I wish I could be there with you. Id do anything to lay by your side. I'd do anything to come back to South Park and go to our favorite spots and talk things over. And I will. I swear on my life that I will try my hardest to Come and see you. But I do want you to know something and that's that I'm all better. I'm okay now and I think that this whole thing has really taught us both something. I think that we both have learnt that we do love each other and that love is what brought us to where we are now because dammit Tweek I love you. I love you more than there are stars in the sky. I think we've also learnt that maybe a break and me moving was great for the both of us because it got both of us to get better. Yes, maybe me more than you. But at lest you didn't have to worry about me anymore right? I'm sorry for making you worry. I'm sorry again for everything I did and I can't believe that I hurt you for my own personal reasons. I should've never done that to you. But Tweek, I'm all yours. I haven't moved on and from what I've seen you haven't either. So it's going to be okay for us both. I think that we can both meet some day again (soon hopefully) and just laugh about all of this and then share one of those special moments in the back of my dads car 😉 but a jokes aside, I love you Tweek and you're my world. My sun. My moon. My universe. My everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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