Luke's tummy hurts

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luke's p

"ouch"  I cried in pain.

"sup mah homie?" Asked calum, very suspiciously.

"Not much broseph. Just hurting a bit after our shagging sesh but no homo lol!"

"Haha! Yes I get it! because we are involved in sexual intercourse but aren't gay! hahahahahah. yes."

"Hahahah" I laughed but it hurt. I loved him. But no homo.


"HAhhahHAHhahaHAHAHA!" They say the one who laughs the loudest is often the most broke. I was fooken screaming my lungs off.

"Wat the fook?" CalLem asked, his laughter coming to an abrupt end.

"Nothing Column. I will go to my room now." I skipped to my room, tears drenching my cheeks, he followed me.

"Srsly lewk. jus' tell me,"

"OMG CAL I LOVE YOU!" Calum looked at me and took my hands.

"Me too," He stated, leaning in closer and whispering in my ear, "no homo."

"NO HOMO!!" I cried with joy then suddenly blacked out.

Author's note: ty for reading. these ur girls Anna and Leighton. Sup sup sup bitchessss. like dis chapter if you liked dis chapter lol subscribe 4 more, soon no homo

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