At the Little Bear Part 3

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Paul looked up as soon as he felt as though he was beneath someone's nervous scrutiny; he grinned when he recognised the man that had asked for the application form the day before hovering nearby - Richard, Paul reminded himself without much of an effort. There was something about the man, something that hinted at so much more hidden behind what was, undeniably a broodingly attractive face, some inner sense of upset distraction, as though the other man had a lot on his mind and didn't quite know how to deal with it all, or how to even deal with himself. Paul was intrigued, and knew that he was definitely more than a little attracted to Richard; he wanted to get to know the other man a little better if only Richard himself would permit it.

Paul wasn't sure, but there were times when Richard looked at him, in the way that seemed to indicate great, and deep, interest, as though the other man might possibly reciprocate some of Paul's attraction; Paul hoped that that was real, and that he was not projecting his own emotions onto someone who didn't feel the same way.

"You came back," he said, pleased, as he reached, unbidden for the form.

His hand touched lightly against Richard's own and Paul dared to brush his forefinger lingeringly against the other man's; Richard eyes partially closed and he didn't pull away. Instead, he seemed almost to hold his breath, a slight smile curving the corners of his lips as he cast his gaze down and then up at Paul again. Paul saw definite interest in the other man's gaze then, heated and real and more than a little predatory. A thrill of excitement coursed through Paul's body at that and he knew, that if Richard would pursue it a little further, then Paul himself would prove a willing captive, after the chase had run its course.

"Have you got contact details on there ... Richard?" Paul asked, not wanting to sound too hasty in using the other man's name.

"My mobile number," Richard said, and there was a sudden look of embarrassment staining the other man's cheeks a pleasurable shade of pink. "I haven't got another number, at least not yet."

"A mobile number is fine," Paul said, assured him. "I prefer using mobiles anyway."

"Ah, good," Richard said, but he didn't look any less embarrassed.

In fact, he'd even lifted one broad hand and was massaging the black of his neck with long fingers, a smile still curving his lips abashedly. Paul grinned back.

"So how's your apartment hunt going? You mentioned looking for some on Tuesday," he prompted, as a way to fill the embarrassed silence.

"Not good, so far," Richard replied, with a shrug. "Most have been absolute shit, if you'll forgive me saying so, those that aren't already taken, that is."

Paul laughed at that and nodded; of course, he was only too aware of the housing situation in Berlin, right then.

"Apartments are few and far between right now," he agreed. "Don't worry; I'm sure you'll find something."

"Thanks," Richard said, before he turned his gaze up to the menu again. "Have you any nice recommendations today, Paul?"

Paul shivered pleasurably beneath the weight of his name upon the other man's tongue; Paul could just imagine the way that Richard might say his name on release, of how his hands might feel upon his body in open caresses, of how Richard's body might feel against his own whilst they shared a bed.

"Paul?" Richard prompted, and there was an amused look of concern on his face at the repetition of Paul's name.

"I'm sorry, I heard," Paul said. "I was miles away. Away with the fairies."

"I think we all get like that sometimes," Richard said, with a polite smile.

"Makes it easier when you are one," Paul said, with a dry snort.

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