Web Of Deceit #fourth installment

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By L-Rhymie

Fourth installment
Chapter 16
Today is the day of the wake , I barely got any sleep last night. Reality hit and it hit hard I had to go over the OK on her look, it look like she was sleeping in her purple pajamas. This was Lilly's idea to bury her in her favorite silk pajamas with her silk bonnet to make it appear like she was sleeping. I wanted to say no at first because it's not normal but when I saw her and she looked like the nana I always remembered, I knew we'd made the right decision. So here I am in Nana's bathroom putting diamond studs in my ear , light Earth Tone makeup my emerald green pajamas and Chinese slippers to match. I want to hit the joint real quick but don't want to go into the Lord's sanctuary high.
"You ok Lace?"
Luke's walks into the bathroom looking nervous but handsome in his navy blue pajamas with navy blue hard sole slippers. Something is up with my brother I can feel it and I know it has nothing to do with burying Nana.
"I'm straight, I mean as straight as I can be..."
"What's going on with you Lucas?"
"What you mean?"
"Don't play with me, you slept on the porch you only do that when you stressed, your body over heats and you try and stay cool,soooooo spill it"
"Sis, man I fucked up, big time"
"What you do?"
"Well my girl probably pregnant and"
"Lace my pjs so smooth!"
Just when he about to spill the beans, Lilly comes running in the bathroom to show off her silk light pink pajamas. Her hair is in two big jumbo braids with the zig zag part.
"Glad you like them, they fit good too!"
"Yes ma'am, Luke I like your pajamas too"
"Thank you Black bean, go sit on the sofa we're almost ready"
Lily runs out the room like she's told Lucas and I will have to discuss her guardianship soon, whatever the outcome will have her best interests at heart.
"So what?"
"Don't what me nogga, what did you do?"
"Ugh bottom line, I might have two chicks pregnant"
He mumbles at first I'm not sure if I've heard him correctly but when I looked up and see he has his head down I see about 15 wrinkles on his forehead.
"Seriously , you do know what a condom is right?"
" man it ain't even like that I was about to stop fuckin with ole girl comma and be exclusive with my girl. Ole girl knew that now she trying to trap me"
" why you so loud Miss Gloria them here too and these girls they don't have names?"
" well yeah but you know both of them"
"Ok aaannnddd your point is?"
" you going to flip out Lace I know you, you will definitely flip out"
"Boy you're grown,no judge.."
"Its Nita and Rita"
"Whoah wait, stop the press! Nita my use to be best friend and her fucking moma!!?"
"Look whose yelling now... Told you"
I pinched my nose intake deep labored breaths to control my temper because he's right I want to flip out.
"My bad, I'm ...I don't know what to say"
"I know, trust I know"
"What you gone do?"
"That part I don't know"" will try and stay away from Rita because she can't be trusted"
" that's easier said than done"
" if you think with the right head it ain't"
Allie come in the bathroom to ponder my words, who am I to judge because I know my pass so I can't judges present only pray for my brother because he in deep shit and I know first-hand how Rita Wellington gets down.
Chapter 17- The viewing
// you gave me... A second chance , you forgave me like only you can you gave me... A second chance oh oh oh. For your a God of a second chance//
Music Softly playing as guests enter Eternal Resting Funeral Home, everyone is dressed comfortably in appropriate pajamas per Lilly's request. Kelly is at the first door greeting guests Van is at the other door looking like Kool Moe Dee with his shades on. Salt is walking around making sure everyone has tissue when fans. Thelma Mae looks at peace , as I rub my man's back I can't help but think of the role I played in her death. If only she would have mind her business , had the nerve to try and give me an ultimatum nobody threatens me now she gone and my secret is safe, I can't help but smirk.
" why Lord my friend she gone I wasn't ready Lord I wasn't ready"
Miss Gloria's acting out like a character out of a Tyler Perry play, I know they were best friends but damn!
" babe I need some air let's go outside are you coming"
" nah I'm good"
He act like he mad or something I don't know why it's packed in here and hot hot as hell. I get up home I want finger up and walked towards the door leading to the outside patio. Just my luck Lacey has Lilly out there holding her and rubbing her back I can't help but notice the resemblance.
" hey Lacey , is she going to be okay?"
"I hope so she's taking it pretty ruff"
"What about you?"
" girl I'm still in disbelief even after seeing her, touching her, feeling the coldness of her body on my fingertips I still don't want to believe it"
Lacey starts crying and now I feel shit,I sit next to her in silence because I don't know what else to do.
" I know that this won't help but just try to remember she's in a better place now"
" I know, I know you're right but it's like she got out the blue I mean yes she was old, but she was healthy you know"
" yes but only God know why he took her"
" you're right and the autopsy should confirm there was no foul play"
No no no fuck no! I didn't think about an autopsy I can't panic I just have to make sure the report says natural death or something like that. My boo gone have to help me out on this one. he's really going to have to help me out on this one.

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