Chapter 5- Mirror

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It took Megan faster than the speed of light to tell her mum she wanted to change rooms.
"Moving into the attic" Megan called as she hauled her stuff into bags. It was Wednesday evening and she wasn't prepared to spend another night in that prison. She was going to have a peaceful night in the attic.


It was the next morning and Megan had had the best sleep she ever had in days, apart from the other day when she was so tired she fell asleep in English which caused her to get roasted off Mrs Owens. She got dressed, fed her cats, grabbed a banana, banana man's favourite, and left the house to catch her bus. Megan felt amazing today, almost as amazing as Beresford when he explains what press freedom is to the assembly room, as she walked into the school gates to meet Jed, Ellie, Leah, and- oh, who is that? A funky Overton stood in her path. Megan gasped and greeted the Overton and the whole squad walked into school together.

First lesson was art where they all walked in and to their very little surprise the Daviemeister was eating a banana. Leah and Jed exchanged glances and burst out laughing as he shovelled the rest of the banana in his mouth
"Right so today, class, we're just going to be continuing our cake paintings." Said Mr banana.
Leah was not in charge of dishing out the paint after the incident last lesson so the guilty Kate did it with Eggy Ellie. Further on in the lesson, their teacher was coming round checking on everyone's paintings. As he spotted Leah's work, he began to point out the parts of improvement and instead of letting Leah improve it herself he sat down and started painting it himself.
"So you just gotta cake on the paint. Mind the pun."
The whole table burst out laughing, not with him, at him. He laughed along as if he made a good joke. Throughout the lesson, Megan felt weirder and weirder. Not because of Mr Davies' cake puns, no. She didn't know why, maybe she was coming down with something. Hard lad Meg never catches a cold, what is this?

Next lesson was maths with the man of toes. Mr Toman supplied the class with daily banter; there was never boring times in his class. That was a lie. Toman pretty much roasted the class every lesson. Today, as Jed sat down next to Meg, they noticed they had the supply teacher instead. Jed leaned back to get answers from the amazing Willow, who never failed to give them, and was tragically hit by a deathly ninja star, commonly known as a protractor, by Cambam. Meg was hit with various mathematical objects during the lesson. One was a calculator, another was a ball point pen.

Soon it was lunch and Meg strolled over to Jed, Leah, Ellie, the amazing previously mentioned Willow, a cheeky Chloe, and Bethany, otherwise known to friends as Carollus Bethanarius Christmas. Chloe and Willow were writing another chapter of their story which seemed pretty amazing even despite Megan had never read it.

The end of the day bell rang and the classes piled out the doors. As the squad walked down the corridor, a wild Hamilton barged past them, saying:
Megan quickly walked home to get back before anyone else so she could chill with her cats however it started to rain. Not just a small trickle of rain, a full storm. Megan got home completely drenched, soaked in rain water and shaking from the cold. She soon warmed up on the sofa with her cats as she watched television.


It was soon 10.00 p.m. and Megan couldn't sleep in through the sound of the thunder storm. She got up out of her bed and stared out of the attic window at the horrendous storm. She turned back to the room behind her and started to survey it from object to object. She finally got to the large corner mirror to the left of her bed. All of a sudden, a flash of lightning caused the mirror to light up revealing a dozen of pale, dark eyed faces staring back at Megan. Megan leapt backwards almost knocking off the bedside lamp. She had no clue whether she was just imagining things or whether it was real but Megan really hoped she just had a great imagination. She clearly wasn't going to sleep a bit that night so she turned on her play station to find she had 3 messages from Michael.
3 days ago: "Why havent u been online you stupid egg?"
2 days ago: "Megan come back online I want to beat u again xd"
1 day ago: "sorry I didnt mean to upset u lol r u ok can u come back on pls"
Despite how they constantly argue, Megan and Michael were friends and he was worrying about her. Megan replied to him and spent most of the night on call of duty. Before she knew it, it was 2.30 a.m. and she needed to sleep, desperately. Megan turned off her PS4 and tried to ignore the thunder storm, and the mirror.


I hope you all (the art table) enjoyed this chapter lmao it's wayy longer than my normal chapters I guess I just had a lot to write about. Oh well thank you all my fans (the actual art table) and I hope you enjoy the next chapter whenever that is, okay so thanks again see you (ppl on the art table) :^)

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