Chapter 3 - Girly Night & The First Date (Part 1)

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****Courtney's P.O.V *****

4.30pm. Finally its time to go home! I shut down my Mac and put it in my bag, reaching for my coat which was on the back of my chair I put it on, I grabbed my phone off my desk and put it into my pocket. Walking out of my office and down the stairs-I have to text emmie i thought.

"Come to mine at 6.30, I'll get ice cream and hot chocolate xx" i text. Shop it is, i need to get this ice cream and hot chocolate before I cry myself.

***** At Home ********

6.05pm, i have just enough time to jump in the shower before Emmie gets here.

Once i got out of the shower, i dried myself off and put leggings and a baggy t-shirt on then slipped on some bed socks.

*Knock, Knock* that must be Emmie. I answered the door and she threw herself at me and wrapped her arms around me. She cried into my shoulder. " C'mon choose a movie to put on while i go and get ice cream" she nodded. i closed the front door and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the ice cream, it was Ben and Jerrys Cookie Dough, this was our ice cream for when things went pear shaped.

~~~ 3 films & 4 tubs of ice cream later ~~~~

Emmie finished telling me what had happened between her and Ryan. Little shit cheated on her. The 3rd film finished so i changed it to grown ups 2 to try and cheer her up a little but when i went back to the sofa she fell asleep. She doesn't have work tomorrow so i can leave her here while i go to work. I grabbed the ice cream out of her hand and put it in the freezer for her when she wants it next then put a blanket over her. I then turned off the TV and light and went up to bed. 'I'll sort my outfit out in the morning while i tell Emmie about my date with Tristan. I got into bed and got comfy enough to sleep, within seconds I fell straight into a deep sleep.

I wake up with nudges from who seems to be Emmie. "ITS 7 FOR CHRIST SAKE WAKE UP YOUR GOING TO BE LATE" she was shouting. I looked at my clock and it actually was "SHIT!" i sat up and threw my clothes off and jumped in the shower. i got out brushed my teeth and headed for the bedroom. Emmie had already picked me out an outfit for work, it was a black and white long sleeve blouse with wet look leggings and smart black heels. I let my dark brunette hair hang in loose curls which reached down just past my boobs. I threw my clothes on and put my make up on. "Emmie?" "Yes Courtney" she replied" "I have a date tonight so if you want to stay here go ahead there is food and plenty of ice cream in the-" she stopped me "WOAH SHUT THE FUCK UP! WITH WHO?" she beamed, "urm Tristan Evans" "Wait, isn't he the drummer in The Vamps?" "Yep, Thats him" "OH MY FUCKING GOD COURTNEY, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! i will be here for you, when you get in and you can tell me every single detail but right now you need to get your little arse to work" Emmie seems more excited than me. I applied my make-up and put on red lipstick so it was perfect, gave emmie a quick hug, picked up my bag and left for work. I got into my cream Fiat 500 and headed for HQ.

****** At Work******

YES! i wasnt late for work, even with all that bloody traffic! I had to finish editing this interview to give to my boss to put into the magazine whihc is released tomorrow. Shit. I sat at my desk and turned on my computer. This shouldn't take too long i kept telling myself. Only 8 hours to go until 4.00pm.

***** 4.00pm *****

Finally it was the end of the day. I recieved a text from Trist:

'Hey, its Tristan, Whats your address? I'll pick you up at 7pm sharp ;) oh and remeber casually but dressy ;) xx'

TWO FUCKING KISSES! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME? Yo Courtney chillout itss only kisses. Oi don't tell me to chill out two kisses means a lot okay? This conversation i was having withmyself in my head went on for at least 5 minutes. I finally gave up anbd decided I need to go. I picked up my bag and went to my car. I got in, shit its just sunk in that i'm going on my first proper date with Tristan Evans, shit, shit ,shit, i need to decide what to wear, Emmie can help.

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