Chapter 5 - The Morning After

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*** Tristan's P.O.V ***

I woke up, coming to terms with where I actually was. Then it hit me, I stayed at Courtney's last night. I felt a slight movement on my left side only to find Courtney still sound asleep, she has such an angelic face, innocent looking with her pale skin and dark hair. I could lye here all day just staring at her face but I'm hungry so this isn't going to work.

I gently rolled Courtney on her back while I got myself up, I picked her bridal style and laid her on the sofa then draped the blanket over her. Innocent.

Walking into the kitchen, its a narrow kitchen with a door at the end an counters on both sides. There's a fridge at the bottom end of the kitchen just by the door, 'this girl better have food in here' I thought to myself. Luckily for her she did. I found some bacon, sausages and eggs in the fridge, I then found hash browns in the freezer and beans in the cupboard. Good ol' breakfast I'm thinking.

I began cooking and then I thought shit what if she doesn't like bacon or sausages?! 'Why would she have them in her fridge then dipshit?' The voice in my head spoke. That voice is always right, fuck this!

This breakfast was sure starting to smell good. I heard a faint bang, must be a door upstairs I suggested to myself.

*** Courtney's P.O.V ***

Waking up with a stretch. *THUD* I'd fallen off the sofa again! This is becoming a habbit I see woah wait do i smell bacon? I could smell bacon from a mile away. Trist is so cute putting a blanket over me, wait how did i end up on the couch last i remember i was on the floor hmm.

I picked myself up off the floor and wrapped the blanket around me traipsing intot the kitchen to see Tristan with no shirt on, fuck. He wasn't well toned but you could see he was trying. staring at his body like it was a fine piece of art. He turned around and I blushed realizing that i probably looked like i had been dragged through a bush 100 times.

"Morning beautiful" he came over reached down then kissed me on the lips. I put my arms around his neck, i still had the blanket wrapped around so it enclosed us in the middle. 

I broke the kiss, "What smell's so good then?" I asked with a smirk. He smirked too and hugged me " Go and sit at the table it will be over in 5 minutes". He kissed my forehead then went over to finish cooking.  I went over to the cutlery draw and pulled out 2 knives and 2 forks, closed the draw then made my way over to the table in the next room. There was already place mats out so i just laid out a knife and fork next to each mat. Went back into the kitchen to grab some orange juice out of the fridge and grabbed 2 glasses. Tristan was busy cooking he sausages to acknowledge i was in the room. Walked back to the table and put the glasses and the orange juice down. 

I turned round and Tristan was there with breakfast. " I thought i told you to sit down?" He said demandingly, "um" shit "Sorry" "'Don't be" i smiled i just didn't know what else to-do. We sat down and dug into breakfast.

"Thanks for cooking, you're a great cook too i must say" No awkward conversation i thought.

"Anytime, and thanks. Hey erm there's this party tomorrow night with all the boys and Connor and James have dates but me and Brad don't" Woah breathe girl go on keep breathing, don't get your hopes up. "Would you be my date?" oh my god, oh my god. Keep it cool girl COOL! "I would be delighted" really? that all you got? "Great, I say we hook your friend Emmie is it? and Brad up for the night. he broke up with his girlfriend 2 days ago and he's feel left out tomorrow and I'd feel bad" wooo get in there Emmie" "Sounds like a plan, i'll phone her later".

Before we knew it we had finished breakfast wow, "Do you mind if i jump in the shower quickly?" Being polite. " It's your home but sure, go for it" That smirk will be the death of me! 

I jumped in the shower and it was the fastest shower iv'e ever been in. I couldn't leave Trist downstairs on his own; that's if he's still there. I dried off and went into my room and put on a pair of leggings and a cream jumper then put my hair into a messy bun then put on some black frilly ankle socks. then went back downstairs.Luckily he was still there. He was sat on the sofa watching TV I don't know what show nor film though however.

"Would you like to get in the shower?" I suggested "erm shortly if that's alright with you?" "Of course" i smiled "Come sit down?" nodding then walking over to the sofa without falling over did my self confidence good. I sat down right next to him, He threw his arm over my legs and gently threw my them onto his lap, he laughed "don't laugh" pulling a pretend sad face afterwards "I'm sorry" he said apologetically then kissed me afterwards.

Tongues were getting involved and hand were moving from place to place when *BANG* " COURTNEY, COURTNEY! HOW DID YOU'RE DATE WITH TRIST- oh shit, I can see this may be a bad time" YOU THINK? Fuck it was emmie. Could things get anymore awkward? "This is a bad time I should leave" Tristan spoke up, " No,its fine, could you just give me a minute?" "Sure" he smiled then kissed my temple. Standing up and motioning my head towards the kitchen Emmie very wisely followed. " I'm so sorry Courtney, i dindt't mean any-" she said so fast i could just about understand it, i shut her up by putting my hand in front of her mouth and she did she up. Smart move girl. "Don't worry about it okay? hey look erm Tristans friend Bradley is um single now and there is a party tomorrow and me and trist are hooking you and brad up, does that sound good to you? Yeah thought so" I gave her no chance to think she was going whether she liked it or not! "Thank you, wait who is Tristan going with?"  shes such a good friend it was the least I could do for her after what she did last night for me. "Take a wild guess" "oooh" she caught on" "Yep, i think i like him Emmie, i just don't want to make the wrong decision like I did last time you know?" "He seems perfect for you Court, just keep trying with him and something good will happen, right I better get going and leave you two love birds alone to you know". Playfully i slapped her an we were stood laughing. 

"So what do you say Emmie? you fancy that date?" a voice cam from by the door. It was trist "Did you listen to all of that?" i panicked. "Just the erm, yeah all of it" He stretched him arms out and put them behind his head, trying to act innocent wont work with me boy. "So you think you like me then do you?" SHIT SHIT SHIT he did as well.! "I better be going" Emmie butt in and then ran out of my kitchen and my house closing the door behind her. "Ah you did hear then" "I have ears like a bat baby" BABY? woah, falling falling falling *crash*. I was speechless. He walked over and hugged me. wait what? "Surprised you're not running for the hills" "Why would i be doing that?" "My Ex-boyfriend did" I took a deep breath, He pulled me closer and rested his chin on my head. "Well they made a stupid mistake to leave someone as beautiful as you" he kissed my forehead. 

"I don't mean to be rude but i need to be going because me and the boys are going to nandos for lunch to talk about tomorrow night and I need to tall Brad about Emmie". "You don't have to explain yourself to me you know, but that's fine, do you want a shower before you go?" i asked, " I know, I just wanted to, Erm no thanks i'll get one when i get back home" " Okay, thank you for last night and for cooking this morning" "It was no problem, it was definitely worth it" He went to walk off from my kitchen but turned slightly grabbing my arm and pulling me with him to my front door. 

"I'm not going anywhere without this though" and with seconds he crashed his lips onto mine, I immediately responded and it was the best goodbye kiss I'd ever recieved. He pulled away. "Be ready for half 6 tomorrow and ill get Joe pick you up in the Mini bus, so I will text you and i'll see you later" "Half 6, okay, good bye" one more peck on this lips and he walked away. I leant against my door frame andwatched his wonder down my drive to his car.  Heopened the door and just before he got in he winked in my direction. God he is perfect. I laughed then blew him a kiss jokingly. He waved then was gone. I got back inside and just leaped on the sofa, Wow...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2013 ⏰

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