Takasugi x matako

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Hello it's me *^* lol XDD I should really stop singing this song ! Anyway it's been a while so sorry for late update >~< am just ....too lazy !! I know kill me =~= but I'm back and i have a new story it's matako x Takasugi *-* her admiration love and respect towards him is so cool that made me make this story so I hope you like it ^^
P/s : please remember that this is only a fanfic so nothing of what am writing has really happen I guess so have fun reading ! :3

Matako p.o.v :

" Ahhh such a lovely weather! " I said feeling the Breeze , it was wonderful ! My blonde hair were flying with the air , so did my skirt ! Lucky I managed to hold it , oh it's so hard to be a girl in ship full with men . But this ship has someone special .
Handsome, strong , wonderful, awesome my one and only Takasugi sama !!

* getting excited * ah just saying his name make my heart pound !  Only if he notices me more , just like the first day we've met

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* getting excited * ah just saying his name make my heart pound !  Only if he notices me more , just like the first day we've met ....
Well that's brings some memories .....

* flash back *
" get her now don't let her run away !! " gosh, this man ! Just shut up already none of you or your stupid followers will be able to catch me * start shooting * after all am matako the most infamous criminal in Edo . I have an extraordinary good aim and physically capable of even dodging bullets . Really ?! Those baka police men think that can catch me . Ha ha keep dreaming . " Ah yada I should hurry up and hide " I said holding my blonde hair . Men really are useless they cannot even keep up with beautiful woman like me hehe .
I went to a dark alley to hide , " yes ! Am safe now all I have to do is hide until ...." Suddenly I saw  a guy wearing yukata and have a black hair with dark purple highlights. Even though it was late yet I could see him clearly he was really standing!
Ehh what he holds a sword but the police are there !! That idiot . Does he wants to die .
" sir sir look over there " one of the policemen point at him , oh god his really idiot !! They saw " ah that man !! Quickly catch hi... " before he finish his words I attack them using my gun and run to the man with black dark purple hair . I hold his arm saying " you baka ! Do you want to die ?! Hurry let's go " he turned to me and I see his face . He has such a beautiful green eye shining with the light of the moon yet it's  mystery and cold ? Ah wait no ! Damn I totally forgot about the policemen !! " let's go already!! " I held his arm and run with him he was a bit surprised. We hide at dark alley. Again.
" * breath heavily * ah ah ... I think we are safe now but we still have to be carefu..." I suddenly hear a chuckle behind me ? Eh he is laughing " ano is there anything funny " I ask him blinking my eyes .
" no nothing " he stopped laughing and once again . He look at me with his green eye his cold mystery  green eye .His face is very handsome too ...
The first time a man make my heart beat this fast !! I mean no ...men are useless ..right ?
" you're matako Kijima , right " ehhh ?!! He knows me ? He knows my name !!
" ah you know me ?! " I asked a bit shocked " so the rumors are true " he said looking at me " what .....what rumors ? " I asked again.
" the rumors about a woman with blonde hair the infamous criminal in edo with huge courage and abilities at using gun  that she's even called << the red bullet >> " he said with the most sexy voice i have ever heard ... Ah wait what am I saying ?!! Matako get back to your mind !!
" but I didn't expect you to be so fine looking woman " oh my god my heart is about to explode and I could feel a heat on my face . Am blushing ?!
" th--tha---thank y--you !! " I said shyly and embarrassed . I almost forgot !!
" ah most importantly what were you doing there senpai ! It dangerous place...you could have been killed!! " I said seriously with a worried face , I honestly think that was a serious matter but it looks like it wasn't for him because once again he was laughing " we--senpai ...." I should be annoyed by his reaction but I think his laughing face is ....charming !!!
" what about you ? Wasn't it dangerous for you back then ? Why did you do that " he asked . Come to think of it . It was so why ...." Because I thought that senpai needed help so I helped him I don't know any other reason thought...." I looked at him , he was staring me deeply that it made me blush , then he said " how about you join some gang or group or something wouldn't be safer and better for you ? " he asked " no not really " I said cleaning my gun " men are useless " I said without thinking then I realized that ....senpai is a guy !!! " ah am sorry senpai I didn't mean ...." I looked at him feeling embarrassed but I was surprised when I saw him smirking " perhaps " he said standing up and wanting to leave " ehh wait mati ! Senpai it's still dangerous you can't go now ! " I said trying to stop him " it'll be fine " he said walking " ah wait I'll come too !! " I said walking fast to him " huh ?! " he looked at me with questioned face " it will be dangerous if senpai go alone ! I'll accompany and protect senpai until you reach the place you want " wait what am I doing ?!!
He looked at me in the eyes " I see " that's all what he says as he walk and I follow him ....what am I doing ?!! It's just to protect him right ?! That's all ....
Senpai he doesn't look like a weak person ....does he really need a protection....
He stop from walking and says " that's my place I'll be going now " he says smoking  a thin pipe " take care ...senpai " I say starting to walk far from him , but why my heart feels in pain it's like ...it doesn't want to leave him ....
I suddenly see a policemen cars " senpai !! " I say feeling worried that they might attack him I run faster and faster to him ...I must ...I must protect senpai I must save senpai .....
I hold my gun as I made it to him I yell " SENPAI THE POLICE BE CAREFUL ... " I see the policemen already there but they were falling down one by one . The one that end them was that man he looked mystery and scary and cold yet ...my heart kept beating fast for him !
" senpai are you okay ..." I ask him nervously " he looked at me with his one eye his beautiful eye.
" you still here " he says looking at me " ah senpai who ..." Before I could finish my words I see a ship coming down it was big !! They were calling senpai by the leader of Kiheitai....
" matako Kijima would you like to join me and be one Kiheitai in our journey to destroy this rotten world ..." He said giving me his hand " yes !! " I said holding his hand ...that's how our journey began my journey as member of Kiheitai " ano senpai may I know your name " I asked him politically while blushing " it's takasugi shinsuke " he smirked " welcome to our ship " he said to me .
" thank you ...I ....will do ..my best !! " I said blushing ....
Takasugi senpai ...no ! It's Takasugi sama ...I said holding my hands tightly .....

* end of flash back *
Ah yada I was so into the memories ....
But back then I knew that Takasugi sama didn't need my help , I was the one who needed him . I wanted to stay by his side and protect him . Nothing has changed ...I still want to ...
" ah it's Takasugi sama !! " * run to him * yes I'll always be by his side and ...protect him ....I'll protect my Takasugi sama ❤️

The end <3 hope you like it

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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