Chapter 1

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It was Piri's first world meeting and she was nervous beyond belief. She was stressed out of what to wear, what to say, where to go. Her greatest hope was to find someone she knew to help her through her first meeting.
Of course she had friends that were also countries, but still it was just so exciting!
"Ugh! What am I going to do?! I only have the rest of today to decide what to bring!" She shouted.
She finally decided on what to pack  and what to wear when she gets to the meeting.
She packed a small pull string bag of accessories because, to be honest, she was VERY indecisive, especially when it came to what she wears.
She packed a week worth of clothes, since she wanted to stay a bit and sight see.
This time the meeting would be held at Kuya Japan's place, and nice walks around there was always refreshing.
Piri pancake flopped on the bed.
"I haven't seen him for a long time." Piri thought to herself.
They had always been close, until THAT war. Of course that was the past but it still hung around in her mind.
It was after World War II, and Piri was still healing, trying her best to help out in any way she could.
She was weaving baskets for her people to hold food supplies in, when she heard a knock on the door. It was quick, and sounded a bit rushed.
She went to the door, and opened it. To her surprise it was Japan.
"Before you say anything, I would like to apologize!" He said as he bowed.
Japan's POV~
I expected her to hit me, whether it be a slap, punch, kick, anything! Instead...she just...crouched down and...hugged me...
"It wasn't your fault..." She said.
That's what broke me.
I fell to my knees as I burst into tears. I hugged her, and just couldn't stop crying.
Piri's POV~
The usually composed man I know, was now a sobbing mess on my porch. Although, I said I forgave him...I'll never will be able to forget. It's just not that easy to forget something like that. His people made MY people suffer, and THAT is what's unforgivable.
Flashback End~
"Never forget..." Piri thought.
She looked at her watch and it was midnight.
Oh no! She got up and quickly put all her things together, and got ready for bed.
Her alarm went off and she groggily pressed the snooze button.
"Five more minutes..." She said.
She turned over, until it dawned on her what today was.
She got up from bed and checked her phone.
"I'm late!!" She screamed worrying.
She went as quickly as she could, as of not to miss her flight. She ran from room to room, first taking a shower, getting dressed, drying her hair, putting on enough make so she wouldn't look like a rotting corpse, then did a quick check that she had everything packed.
She then slipped on her shoes and ran to her car.
She was driving a bit faster than usual, quickly checking the time every now and then.
When she got to the airport, she sprinted as quickly as she could, bumping into people every so often.
"Sorry", "Excuse me.", she kept saying repeatedly.
When she got to the right gate, she showed them her ticket and got on the plane.
"Whew, I made it!" She thought, while she was putting away her luggage.
She had her favorite seat, the window seat. Although she was a bit terrified of height, she still love how to sky looked, especially at night where you could see all the lights.
Piri was always fond of drawing, whether it would be on a foggy piece of glass, a sketchbook, coloring book, and more. Although she wasn't nearly as good as some other countries she knew (England, Japan, ect.), she learned from Japan, and that helped her a lot.
After she was done doodling, and taking pictures of the view, she fell asleep.
When she awoke, they were almost at the airport in Japan, so she decided to stay awake.
"I hope I can go eat somewhere before going to the hotel." She thought.
When she got to the luggage belt she got a call.
"Hm, I wonder who it is." She thought.
When she answered it, she was surprised to hear her Kuya Japan on the other line.
"Hello? Piri?" He said.
"Um, hi Kuya!" She greeted.
"Oh, hello! Did you get here safe?" He asked, he had always been overprotective with her.
"Yes Kuya, I'm actually getting my luggage." Piri responded.
"Oh, I wanted to ask, did you get a hotel yet?" Japan asked.
"I did, but I wanted to go eat before I got there. If you have time do you want to join me?" Piri said.
"Oh sure! I was going to ask you if you wanted to get lunch as well." Japan replied.
"Oh! I see my stuff, I'll talk to you later, bye!" Piri said.
"Mm Okay, I'll text you the address. Bye." Japan said.
When she got her luggage she got a text from Japan.
"Drop off your stuff at my house first." It said.
She was surprised, but it was still very convenient, so she replied "Sure, I'll be over there in ten minutes."
It actually took fifteen minutes to get there because of traffic.
"Hi Kuya! Sorry, I got caught up in traffic." Piri said, giving Japan an awkward hug.
He was a bit caught off guard, but still hugged back "It's okay. Actually I wanted to ask you something."
"What is it?" Piri asked.
"Instead of staying at a hotel, you can stay here till you leave." He suggested.
"No! I don't want to trouble you!" Piri said, surprised.
"It's fine! Plus, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and South Korea are going to stay too." He insisted.
"But you'll be busy taking care of them!" Piri countered.
"It's really okay. The only ones we need to worry about are Hong Kong and South Korea." He said.
"Well... I guess it would be nice to hang out with everyone again." Piri said giving in.
"Okay, well let's put everything in your room!" He said.
He showed Piri to her room, and she just left the luggage on the floor, because she really just wanted to eat.
Man after so long I finally got a chapter for this book put up! This was a challenge because I didn't know what to do, but now I think I'm finding something to work with.
I actually wanted the World Meeting as the first chapter but, I decided that it was better to do a chapter or two of what happened before, and when she got there.
Anyways, I hope you like this chapter, and thanks for reading!"

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