Chapter 2

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After putting her luggage in her room, Piri and Japan walked to the little restaurant since it was in good walking distance.
"I'm actually really glad I got to meet up with you before the meeting." Piri said.
"And why is that?" Japan asked.
"Well because it's my first World Meeting! I'm usually just used to the small ones that are held with a select few of other countries, not basically the entire world!" Piri said.
"Do you really need me?" Japan asked.
"Of course! I wouldn't know where to go, who I should steer clear of, I don't even know most, if not all, the people that are going!" Piri said.
"Well I guess that makes sense." Japan agreed.
Piri looked around at the trees, they were cherry blossoms, but not fully in bloom.
"When do you think the cherry blossoms will bloom?" Piri asked.
"Well the news said they might bloom in a couple of days." Japan replied.
"It's been such a long time since I've seen them bloom." Piri said "I can't wait for everyone else to arrive!"
Japan smiled and said "Yes, but it will be very loud once they come."
"Ha! Well, I'm used to it since I have Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao at home!" Piri said "They're always loud!"
"I can tell. They were always a rowdy trio." Japan said.
Not soon later they arrived at the restaurant.
"Uwaaa, this place is so fancy!" Piri said under her breath.
Japan seemed to catch that and said "Yes, we like to keep everything nice and clean."
"Wow Kuya! You always seemed to catch everything!" Piri said "I wish all places were as nice and clean as this. I mean, yeah, everyone complains about how dirty everything is, but only a handful actually does something about it."
Japan was surprised, but happy to see how mature she has gotten "Well I guess so."
A waitress took them to their seats, and they went to sit down when they heard a familiar voice.
"Japan! Piri! Come over here!" Said the voice.
Piri and Japan both looked to see literally everyone in the restaurant staring at South Korea, or S.K for short.
Everyone stared at Japan and Piri, as they walked over to his table.
"Hey stop shouting S.K everyone's staring at us." Taiwan said.
"But Taiwan, I saw Japan and Piri!" S.K whined.
"Huh? Where?" China asked.
S.K pointed at their general direction, and everyone turned to see a VERY red faced Japan and Piri. They had their heads down, and their hands were covering their faces.
When they got to the table everyone went back to what they were doing before.
"S.K, say sorry!" China said.
"Fine, sorry..." S.K said, with a pouty face.
"'s okay..." Piri said, still pretty embarrassed.
Japan couldn't respond because he was still in shock from embarrassment.
Everything was silent until Taiwan said "Well, I haven't seen you guys in so long!"
Everything seemed to lighten up a bit.
"I know! What have you all been doing?" Piri asked.
"You know, doing paperwork, that kind of stuff." Taiwan replied.
"Yeah, me too. It's really boring!" Piri said.
"Well, you got to do what you got to do." Taiwan said.
The two girls stared at each other, and started laughing after a few seconds.
"It's like they just saw each other yesterday." Japan said.
"Knowing them, they probably talked to each other online." China replied.
Piri looked at Hong Kong.
"Oh my gosh!" Piri said, laughing loudly.
"What's wrong?" Hong Kong asked.
"Where did you get those clothes?!" Piri asked.
"What's wrong with my clothes?!" Hong Kong asked.
"He just wears them because he says it's 'cool'" Taiwan said.
"Well I say it because it IS cool!" Hong Kong said.
  "Calm down you guys, save it for tomorrow!" China scolded.
"Oh yeah, me and Kuya Japan haven't ordered yet." Piri said.
"Well let's go do that first." Japan said.
Piri and Japan went to the front counter.
"What do you want? I'll pay." Japan asked.
"What I want is that I pay." Piri said.
"No don't be silly! I'll pay, it's my place." Japan said.
"That's why I should pay!" Piri countered.
"You're a guest." Japan argued.
"It's fine!" Piri said.
"Okay, I'll pay this time, and you can pay next time." Japan said.
"Fine, but you better let me pay next time!" Piri said.
Japan chuckled, and they ordered their food.
Once they ordered their food, they went to the table to see S.K standing, and just staring at them.
S.K noticed that he was caught and quickly looked away.
"Why were you staring at us?" Piri asked.
"Because I like staring at you guys." S.K said, sounding a bit nervous.
Piri decided that it was a random thing he started doing, and shrugged it off.
"What did you guys order?" China asked.
"I ordered a drink and told them to get anything spicy!" Piri said.
"Wow, anything?" Asked Taiwan.
"Yeah, just so that it's a good surprise." Piri said.
"But you never went here before." Japan said.
"Well, I guess it'll be even more of a surprise." Piri said.
S.K was talking, with Hong Kong budding in here and there, while they waited for their food to arrive.
"Oh, here comes the food." Hong Kong said, bluntly.
The waitress handed everyone their drinks, and soon left for the plates.
"Well, I guess we won't have to wait that long for our food then." China said.
"But it's been 30 minutes!" S.K whined.
"Oh be patient!" China said.
Not even 5 minutes after he said that, the waitress came by with their food.
"See? Not long at all!" China said.
"Well, it was still a long time." S.K said under his breath.
Now this is what they've all been waiting for.
Here it is! Finally, I'm done with this chapter! I'm sorry I haven't been updating, it's just that now I have homework, and that will come first.
But do not fret! I will still be able to update! Just, not as much as I did before.
Anyways, thanks for reading, and being patient with me.
Anyways, bye!

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