Valentines day surprise..

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*Regina's POV*
I woke up to an arm and a leg sprawled over my body, and a pile of blonde curls in my face. I moved them out of the way, snook out from under the duvet, slipped on my white, laced bra and my g-string and walked into the bathroom for a shower. I turned it on and waited a few seconds before getting in. The warm water felt bliss against my frozen skin.
Okay, I need to pick up some roses, some chocolates...
I leant forward to reach for the razor.
And what else do I need to get??
I thought to myself sarcastically.
Oh yeah, that's it...
I giggled whilst finishing shaving my legs and turned off the water; Wrapped a towel around myself and got ready.
Okay, so these denim jeans will go well with these white docs and this shirt right??
I turned to look at Emma, realising she was still asleep, I turned back around and continued to get ready.
After returning from the shop with Emma's presents...
I looked around for Emma, thinking she was taking a shower, I tiptoed into the bathroom to say hello, but she wasn't there. Instead, there was a note left on the bedside table.
Regina, I have gone into town to pick a few things up. Be back at around five. Love you to the moon and back,
Emma. Xx
A huge grin grew across my face uncontrollably. "Awh, she is so adorable."
After slipping off my shoes, I strolled into the kitchen and dumped the bags of shopping on the floor. Putting them away was a fairly easy task in itself. The hard part was getting what I had planned ready in under an hour!!
I took my time seperating the rose petals from the stem of the rose, being careful not to make any sudden moves, incase it tore.
Once that was over and done with, I lay the petals on the bed in a heart shape. The contrast of the colours really stood out, red petals on a white duvet, she's bound to notice that...
I heard a rustling of keys coming from outside the door, so I quickly ran downstairs.
"Shit, she's back early" I whispered, trying to hide the presents before she came in. But it was too late, the door busted open and Emma strolled through, struggling with the bags of shopping.
"Here, let me help." I smiled, jumping off the off the sofa and holding out a hand.
She handed me a couple of bags and kissed me on my cheek. Her lips were cold and wet, from the rain outside. I asked her if it was raining out. She rolled her eyes and glared at me.
"Well no shit"
I instantly knew that what I had planned would cheer her up. She paced up the stairs to get out of her dripping wet clothes and I followed behind.
She door was jammed shut again, so she tugged at it violently before it jolted open.
I saw her stop abruptly and smile. She had noticed the rose petals and box of chocolates on the bed.
"Is this for me?" She asked whilst I helped her out of her clothes. I kissed her neck.
"Of course it is" I said, still kissing the curve of her neck. She sat on the end of the bed, wrapped in a towel.
After getting ready, I blindfolded Emma. She walked ahead as best as she could, considering the fact that she could not see and was being led by me, of all people.
"Regina" she said with an exasperated sigh when she heard me chuckle.
"Hey now, don't get snappy" I teased, tightening the grip on her waist as I led her to our destination.
"Fine, Regina." Emma started once more, knowing there was a smirk gracing my face, "are we there yet?"
"Almost baby" I said so softly that it took her by surprise.
This was our second valentines day; having been together for over a year, and I was hoping that this one would be better than the first.
Well the first hadn't gone badly.
Emma smiled at the memory of me trying to cook her dinner, almost burning the house down, resulting in us just ordering pizza, cuddling up on the sofa and watching movies.
The sex was a nice touch though.
"Are you ready?" I asked softly, the nervousness evident in my voice.
Emma smirked and gave a nod before feeling the blindfold being removed from over her eyes. She blinked a few times, adjusting her vision. Her eyes widened in surprise and she felt them become wet as she took in the scenery before her.
I had led her to the back of the city hall, trees covered in white, twinkling lights.
A table sat under the tree, complete with an unlit candle and roses. A white arch was positioned just in front of us to walk through, which was adorned with white roses and lights. The whole scenery lit up in the night sky. Emma turned to look at me with an adorning gaze.
"Regina, this is ..." She trailed off, unable to find the words she was looking for.
"I know baby," I said with a shy smile before taking her hand in mine and leading her through the arch into the yard. I dropped her hand and backed away, allowing her to admire the scenery.
"I know I'm not the best dancer-"
Emma scoffed, a smile appearing on her face as she watched me walk over to the stereo.
"But, I would be honoured if you would dance with me before dinner." I finished as I turned on the stereo.
I smiled as I walked over to Emma, holding out my hand. She gave a small smile and took my hand into her own, allowing herself to be pulled into my embrace, swaying to the music lightly.
"Our song." She commented in my ear, suppressing the happy tears that threatened to spill.
"I have died everyday waiting for you, darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years" I sang softly to the woman in my arms, making her sigh contently as we swayed.
" I love you for a thousand more." Emma finished, stating the lyrics as a fact. "I love you"
" I love you too Emma " I replied, my voice laced in emotion.
The song continued in the background, I pulled away slightly.
" I have something for you" I said, making Emma raise a curious eyebrow.
"Do you want it?" I asked with a smile.
Emma bit her lip, feeling like a young girl in love once more. She gave a small nod.
"Close your eyes" I instructed. Emma closed her eyes and felt a velvet box pressed into her hand.
"Open your eyes" I said, opening the box in her hand as her eyes opened, suddenly widening.
"Regina" Emma whispered as she stared at the white golden band that sat in the box, diamonds covering the surface of it.
The music faded, surrounding us in silence, allowing my voice to be the only thing she could hear.
"Emma, I have waited all my life to feel like I am finally home. You're my home. Every beat of your heart reminds me that there are things worth waiting for ... And Emma swan, you were certainly worth waiting for. We've been together for over a year now and I know that it wasn't the easiest road for us, but I love you more than anything. I would be the luckiest woman in the world, if you would say yes."
I bent down on one knee, my eyes never breaking contact with Emma's, as I lowered myself to the ground.
"Emma swan. Will you marry me?" I asked, a nervous smile playing on my lips as I watched her face.
She gave a bright smile and tears rolled down her face.
"Yes" she said breathlessly. "Yes a million times, yes Regina."
I beamed and sprang up from my crouched position and gently placed the ring on Emma's finger.
"Perfect fit" I mumbled as I placed the ring onto Emma's hand. I looked up and my eyes locked with Emma's tear filled ones.
"Just like us" she laughed, still crying, pulling me towards her and kissing me.
We pulled back after a minute, resting our heads on each others shoulders.
" I love you future Mrs. Mills " I said before capturing her lips in another kiss.
"Love you too, perhaps we should eat now" she suggested.
"I agree... Being nervous makes me hungry." I laughed shyly as she moved a piece of hair out of my face.
"Did you think I wouldn't say yes?" Emma asked seriously.
"I thought you would... But I had my doubts" I answered honestly, my eyes downcast.
"Regina" she said, drawing my attention as she cupped my cheek, " I have loved you for a thousand years and I will love you for a thousand more. "
I felt tears well up in my eyes as she pulled me in for a hug.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
Thanks for reading. Sorry this chapter was so long. I'm romantic like that XD. Just kidding, but I hoped you enjoyed part 4. 5 coming soon.

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